University College Maastricht (UCM)
Looking for study notes at University College Maastricht (UCM)? On Stuvia you will find more than 6 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at University College Maastricht (UCM).
Courses at University College Maastricht (UCM)
Notes available for the following courses at University College Maastricht (UCM)
Majors at University College Maastricht (UCM)
Notes available for the following studies at University College Maastricht (UCM)
European Public Health 1
Fiscaal recht/Nederlands recht 3
International Business 1
University College Maastricht 1
Latest notes & summaries University College Maastricht (UCM)
This is a comprehensive summary of all the cases in module 1021. It contains all the relevant information needed to answer the learning goals. Studying and understanding this summary and the lectures summary will guarantee you a high exam grade.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 52 pages's •
University College Maastricht•EPH1021
All relevant notes to pass the EPH1021 (Health, Health Determinants and the EU) Module Exam• By sajaalsaket
Preview 4 out of 52 pages
This is a comprehensive summary of all the cases in module 1021. It contains all the relevant information needed to answer the learning goals. Studying and understanding this summary and the lectures summary will guarantee you a high exam grade.
Summary of functional neuroanatomy cases.
- Summary
- • 24 pages's •
University College Maastricht•Functional Neuroanatomy
Preview 3 out of 24 pages
Summary of functional neuroanatomy cases.
Korte samenvatting van de belangrijkste onderwerpen die aan bod komen in het boek! Duidelijke uitleg van begrippen en grafieken zijn toegevoegd.
- Book
- Summary
- • 26 pages's •
University College Maastricht•International Competitive Analysis and Strategy
Economics of Strategy • David Besanko, David Dranove• ISBN 9781119378761
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
Korte samenvatting van de belangrijkste onderwerpen die aan bod komen in het boek! Duidelijke uitleg van begrippen en grafieken zijn toegevoegd.