Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - School of Business and Economics
Looking for study notes at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - School of Business and Economics? On Stuvia you will find more than 1 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - School of Business and Economics.
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Courses at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - School of Business and Economics
Notes available for the following courses at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - School of Business and Economics
Majors at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - School of Business and Economics
Notes available for the following studies at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - School of Business and Economics
MA Leadership and Change Management 1
Latest notes & summaries Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - School of Business and Economics
Summary of ALL mandatory articles and the knowledge clips of Leading Change and Projects (2020-2020 P1) (ENGLISH).
- Summary
- • 58 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - School of Business and Economics•Leading change and projects
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Summary of ALL mandatory articles and the knowledge clips of Leading Change and Projects (2020-2020 P1) (ENGLISH).