Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Geneeskunde
Latest uploads for Geneeskunde at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Looking for Geneeskunde notes at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Geneeskunde at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
Courses Geneeskunde at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Notes available for the following courses of Geneeskunde at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
A&P1 1
Anatomy & Physiology 1
Arts & Patiént 2 M_BAP215 4
Arts & patiënt 3 M_BAP315 1
Arts en patiënt 1 M_BAP115 5
Arts en Patiënt 1: Soma en Psyche 3
Arts en patiënt 2 M_BAP215 5
Arts En Patiënt 3 M_BAP315 2
Arts en patiënt 4 M_BAP415 4
Arts En Patiënt 5 M_BAP516 10
B1 Homeostase 1
Binnenstebuiten M_BBIBU22 4
Biologie 1
Bouw en Bewegen M_BBB15 19
Challenges in Women and Child's Healthcare CWCH 1
Challenges in Women's and Child Healthcare CWCH 1
Circulatie En Vasculaire Stoornissen M_BCVS16 9
Circulatie en volumeregulatie M_BCV15 7
Comprehensive care and anatomy 6
Coschappen 1
Farmacologie 4
Frans 1
Global health minor 1
Groei En Ontwikkeling M_BGO15 6
Hematologie & Oncologie 1
Hematologie en oncologie M_BHO15 5
Hersenen en zintuigen M_BHZ15 4
Homeostase M_BHS15 16
Hot topics in Neurology and Psychiatry 2
Hot Topics in Psychiatry 4
Huid & Afweer: Hoorcolleges 22/23 M_BSAH15 1
Huid en Afweer M_BHA15 6
Immunologie 1
Infectie & Inflammatie 1
Infectie en Inflammatie M_BINF15 7
Informatica 3
Leefstijl En Gezondheidszorg M_BLSGZ15 2
Leren Dokteren 5 1
Medisch expert 1 M_BME115 1
Medisch expert 2 M_BME215 4
Medisch expert 4 M_BME415 5
Medisch expert 5 M_BME516 2
Medisch Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek 1 MWO1 6
Medisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek 2 M_BMWO215 5
Metabole Systemen M_BMS15 10
Minor Cancer-Immunity-Personalized therapies M_BCIPT19 10
Minor Challenges in Women and Child Healthcare 1
Minor Clinical Research and Reasoning Internal Med M_BCSIM19 1
Minor Clinical Research in Internal Medicine 3
Minor comprehensive care and anatomy 2
Minor Hot Topics in Neurology and Psychiatry M_BHTNP19 2
Minor Medical Research To Clinical Practice 1
Minor Womens Healthcare 1
Minor: Internal Medicine 2
Nederlands 2
Neurologie 1
Neurologie & Oogheelkunde 3
Neurologie En Oogheelkunde M_BNO16 7
Psychisch functioneren M_BPFC16 3
Psychisch Functioneren En Cognitie M_BPFC16 6
Schade afweer en herstel 3
Schade, Afweer en Herstel M_BSAH15 12
Sekse, Seksualiteit En Relaties M_BSSR15 4
Selectie zij-instroom 1
Spijsvertering en stofwisseling M_BSS16 8
Start van het leven M_BSVHL15 9
STAT bachelor 3 1
STAT jaar 1 M_BME115 1
STAT jaar 2 M_BME415 6
STAT klinisch redeneren 1
STAT3 Farmacotherapie 1
Stationsexamen 8
Stationstoets 3
Stationstoets farmacologie bachelor jaar 3 M_BPO315 1
Stationstoets klinisch redeneren bachelor jaar 3 M_BPO315 1
Voorbereidend coschap (VCP 1
Voorbereidende co-schappen 1
Voorbereidende coschappen 1
Popular books Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Geneeskunde
J.W.R. Twisk • ISBN 9789036815338
Peter Parham • ISBN 9780393533354
ISBN 9789036826198
MD Jody Corey-Bloom, Ronald David • ISBN 9781933864358
Tom Lissauer, Will Carroll • ISBN 9780723438731
Steegers, Eric A.P. • ISBN 9789036821308
Latest notes & summaries Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Geneeskunde
CIPT minor week 4
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 8 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Minor Cancer-Immunity-Personalized therapies
Alle HC van CIPT minor periode 1• By nooralkemade
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CIPT minor week 4
CIPT minor week 5
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 8 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Minor Cancer-Immunity-Personalized therapies
Alle HC van CIPT minor periode 1• By nooralkemade
Preview 2 out of 8 pages
CIPT minor week 5
CIPT minor week 6
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 8 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Minor Cancer-Immunity-Personalized therapies
Alle HC van CIPT minor periode 1• By nooralkemade
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CIPT minor week 6
CIPT minor week 7
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 3 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Minor Cancer-Immunity-Personalized therapies
Alle HC van CIPT minor periode 1• By nooralkemade
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CIPT minor week 7
Samenvatting CIPT minor week 8 deel 2
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 3 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Minor Cancer-Immunity-Personalized therapies
Alle HC van CIPT minor periode 1• By nooralkemade
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Samenvatting CIPT minor week 8 deel 2
Samenvatting CIPT minor week 1
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 8 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Minor Cancer-Immunity-Personalized therapies
Alle HC van CIPT minor periode 1• By nooralkemade
Preview 2 out of 8 pages
Samenvatting CIPT minor week 1
CIPT minor week 7
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 3 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Minor Cancer-Immunity-Personalized therapies
Alle HC van CIPT minor periode 1• By nooralkemade
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CIPT minor week 7
Bachelorjaar 3 CAT 2 overzicht minor comprehensive care and anatomy
- Summary
- • 28 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•minor comprehensive care and anatomy
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Bachelorjaar 3 CAT 2 overzicht minor comprehensive care and anatomy
Bachelorjaar 3 minor overzicht comprehensive care and anatomy
- Summary
- • 36 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•minor comprehensive care and anatomy
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Bachelorjaar 3 minor overzicht comprehensive care and anatomy
With the help of this document, more than 100 pages, I got a 10 from the SPSS exam from the minor Medical Research to Clinical Practice. All the SPSS practicals are carefully described, with screenshots, shapes, colours and notes where you need to pay attention to. It is really important that you get used to using SPSS, especially with the more difficult analyses like mixed models, etc. 
I have done all practicals TWICE from A to Z. There is no time during the exam to look for any information...
- Other
- • 323 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Minor Medical Research To Clinical Practice
Preview 4 out of 323 pages
With the help of this document, more than 100 pages, I got a 10 from the SPSS exam from the minor Medical Research to Clinical Practice. All the SPSS practicals are carefully described, with screenshots, shapes, colours and notes where you need to pay attention to. It is really important that you get used to using SPSS, especially with the more difficult analyses like mixed models, etc. 
I have done all practicals TWICE from A to Z. There is no time during the exam to look for any information...