Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Latest uploads for Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Looking for Philosophy, Politics and Economics notes at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
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Courses Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Notes available for the following courses of Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Argumentation and Logic 1
Diversifying Philosophy 1
Ethics 3
Great minds I 1
Modern Philosophy 1
Philosophy of Mind 1
Philosophy of Science 1
Text Course 1 1
Text Course 2 1
Popular books Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Craig Parsons • ISBN 9780134304991
Russ Shafer-Landau, Russ Shafer-Landau • ISBN 9780190631390
Latest notes & summaries Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Summary of all contents from the six weeks philosophy of science course, including Popper, Laudan, Pigliucci, Hempel, Douven, Ioannidis, Kuhn, Klee, de Regt, Ylikoski, Grimm, Cartwright & Runhardt, Douglas, Rescher, and de Ridder.
- Summary
- • 36 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Summary of all contents from the six weeks philosophy of science course, including Popper, Laudan, Pigliucci, Hempel, Douven, Ioannidis, Kuhn, Klee, de Regt, Ylikoski, Grimm, Cartwright & Runhardt, Douglas, Rescher, and de Ridder.
Summary for the final exam of political philosophy, including articles from Mill, Nussbaum, Nozick, Young, Barry, Brennan, and Feinberg, and textbook chapters: Wolff, Ch. 1,2,3,4,5 & Gooden, Ch. 10,13,20,45.
- Summary
- • 40 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Preview 4 out of 40 pages
Summary for the final exam of political philosophy, including articles from Mill, Nussbaum, Nozick, Young, Barry, Brennan, and Feinberg, and textbook chapters: Wolff, Ch. 1,2,3,4,5 & Gooden, Ch. 10,13,20,45.
Includes summaries on the B version of Kants kritik der reinen vernuft, going from B1 to B113. Also includes diagrams connecting concepts to each other. 
Please refrain from directly copying parts of this for assignments because teachers have their ways of noticing my bad takes in your essay
- Book
- Summary
- • 21 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Text Course 2
Kritik der reinen Vernunft • Immanuel Kant, Benno Erdmann• ISBN 9783866474086
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Includes summaries on the B version of Kants kritik der reinen vernuft, going from B1 to B113. Also includes diagrams connecting concepts to each other. 
Please refrain from directly copying parts of this for assignments because teachers have their ways of noticing my bad takes in your essay
This is a summary of the three parts of 'De Natura Deorum' by Cicero and some secondary readings. It details the first book by passage and from the second book onward the text is summarized more broadly. The summary covers various arguments between ancient philosophical traditions but does not go into full detail about their full beliefs which is why I'd recommend you use this summary together with the explanatory pages on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Text Course 1
ALL MY STUFF• By florisdewit
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This is a summary of the three parts of 'De Natura Deorum' by Cicero and some secondary readings. It details the first book by passage and from the second book onward the text is summarized more broadly. The summary covers various arguments between ancient philosophical traditions but does not go into full detail about their full beliefs which is why I'd recommend you use this summary together with the explanatory pages on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
This is a collection of lecture notes and text summaries from the Diversifying Philosophy course in 2021. It covers texts by various thinkers showcasing how thinking about ethnicity, class and gender became more diverse, starting with Kant and Hegel and moving towards Césaire, Fanon, Beauvoir, Pateman, Butler, Puar and Ahmed.
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- Summary
- • 14 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Diversifying Philosophy
ALL MY STUFF• By florisdewit
Preview 2 out of 14 pages
This is a collection of lecture notes and text summaries from the Diversifying Philosophy course in 2021. It covers texts by various thinkers showcasing how thinking about ethnicity, class and gender became more diverse, starting with Kant and Hegel and moving towards Césaire, Fanon, Beauvoir, Pateman, Butler, Puar and Ahmed.
This is a collection of lecture notes and text summaries from the Philosophy of Science course in 2021. It includes ideas on ideas like induction, deduction, falsificationism, underdeterminism, kuhn's paradism shifts, reductionism and many texts by specific thinkers
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- Summary
- • 25 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Philosophy of Science
ALL MY STUFF• By florisdewit
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This is a collection of lecture notes and text summaries from the Philosophy of Science course in 2021. It includes ideas on ideas like induction, deduction, falsificationism, underdeterminism, kuhn's paradism shifts, reductionism and many texts by specific thinkers
This is a summary of the Philosophy of Mind course of 2020-2021. It covers many different subjects, theories and thinkers. Subjects include mind-body dualism, determinism, free will, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, type-token theory, computationalism, and much more
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- Summary
- • 21 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Philosophy of Mind
ALL MY STUFF• By florisdewit
Preview 3 out of 21 pages
This is a summary of the Philosophy of Mind course of 2020-2021. It covers many different subjects, theories and thinkers. Subjects include mind-body dualism, determinism, free will, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, type-token theory, computationalism, and much more
This is a summary with historical context, key themes, structure, question and answers of all the 11 texts of great minds I
- Summary
- • 33 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•great minds I
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This is a summary with historical context, key themes, structure, question and answers of all the 11 texts of great minds I
This is a summary of all the material from last-year's (2020) Ethics course on the VU. It mainly summarizes chapters from Shafer-Landau's book 'The Fundamentals of Ethics', but also deals with other thinkers' texts (e.g.: Goodin, Mill, Kant, Aristotle). Everything is grouped under their respective categories, meaning there are headers for hedonism, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, moral nihilism, etc.
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- Summary
- • 43 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Ethics
ALL MY STUFF• By florisdewit
Preview 4 out of 43 pages
This is a summary of all the material from last-year's (2020) Ethics course on the VU. It mainly summarizes chapters from Shafer-Landau's book 'The Fundamentals of Ethics', but also deals with other thinkers' texts (e.g.: Goodin, Mill, Kant, Aristotle). Everything is grouped under their respective categories, meaning there are headers for hedonism, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, moral nihilism, etc.
Summary of The Fundamental Of Ethics by Russ Shafer-Landau (4th edition). This document includes Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 as well as the explanation of some general terms used in ethics. I got an 8 out of 10 for this exam.
- Book
- Summary
- • 11 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Ethics
The Fundamentals of Ethics • Russ Shafer-Landau, Russ Shafer-Landau• ISBN 9780190631390
Preview 1 out of 11 pages
Summary of The Fundamental Of Ethics by Russ Shafer-Landau (4th edition). This document includes Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 as well as the explanation of some general terms used in ethics. I got an 8 out of 10 for this exam.