Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Politicologie
Derniers ajouts au Politicologie @ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Vous cherchez des notes Politicologie à Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) ? Nous avons beaucoup de notes, de guides d'étude et de notes d'étude disponibles pour Politicologie à Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
Cours Politicologie @ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Notes disponibles pour les cours suivants de Politicologie à Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Beschrijvende En Inferentiële Statistiek S_BIS 2
Bestuur en Beleid 1
Bestuur, Politiek en Samenleving 1
Contemporary Social And Political Philosophy S_CSPP 3
Diversity 1 S_D1 1
Diversity 2 S_D2 1
EU Governance in an International Context S_EUGIC 5
Global Political Economy S_GPE 5
Governance and Politics of Social Problems S_GPSP 5
History of Political Thought S_HPT 4
International Relations & Global Governance S_IRGG 9
Methodologie van sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek S_MTSWO 3
Nederlandse Politiek en Kwalitatieve Methoden S_NPKM 5
Philosophy of Science 1
Political Participation and Protest S_PPP 6
Public management 1
Social research methodology 3
State, Power and Conflict STPC 6
State, Power and Conflict (STPC) S_SPC 3
Livres bien-aimés Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Politicologie

Steven M. Cahn • ISBN 9780190201081

Joseph S. Nye, David A. Welch • ISBN 9780134403168

John Baylis, Smith, Steve • ISBN 9780198739852

Prof Ian Greener • ISBN 9780230353992

Boucher, Kelly • ISBN 9780199215522

Simon Hix, Bjorn Hoyland • ISBN 9780230249813
Dernières notes et résumés Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Politicologie

Lecture notes on all lectures for the course The Governance and Politics of Social Problems
- Book
- Notes de cours
- • 31 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Governance and Politics of Social Problems
Comparative European Politics • Rory Costello, Neil Robinson• ISBN 9780198811404
Aperçu 4 sur 31 pages
Lecture notes on all lectures for the course The Governance and Politics of Social Problems

Complete lecture notes of the course State, Power and Conlfict at the VU Political Science programme.
- Notes de cours
- • 33 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•State, Power and Conflict
Aperçu 4 sur 33 pages
Complete lecture notes of the course State, Power and Conlfict at the VU Political Science programme.

samenvattingen van de verschillende teksten die je moest lezen elke week. De teksten van week 5 en week 7 missen!!!!
- Resume
- • 11 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•International Relations & Global Governance
Aperçu 2 sur 11 pages
samenvattingen van de verschillende teksten die je moest lezen elke week. De teksten van week 5 en week 7 missen!!!!

Met deze aantekeningen, mijn samenvatting en de samenvatting van de reader teksten heb ik een 7 voor het tentamen gehaald!
- Notes de cours
- • 16 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•International Relations & Global Governance
Aperçu 3 sur 16 pages
Met deze aantekeningen, mijn samenvatting en de samenvatting van de reader teksten heb ik een 7 voor het tentamen gehaald!

notes of the lecture and knowledge clips
- Package deal
- Notes de cours
- • 57 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•social research methodology
social research methods/methodology bundle• Par lucasw135
Aperçu 4 sur 57 pages
notes of the lecture and knowledge clips

Social research methodology summary of notes supplemented with summary of the literature for more background information
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 67 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•social research methodology
social research methods/methodology bundle• Par lucasw135
Aperçu 4 sur 67 pages
Social research methodology summary of notes supplemented with summary of the literature for more background information

Summary of 6th edition Bryman's social research methods for the course social research methodology. includes the following chapters 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Resume
- • 136 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Social research methodology
Bryman\'s Social Research Methods • Tom Clark, Liam Foster• ISBN 9780198796053
social research methods/methodology bundle• Par lucasw135
Aperçu 10 sur 136 pages
Summary of 6th edition Bryman's social research methods for the course social research methodology. includes the following chapters 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23

Relevant descriptions, theories and notes from the lectures of State, Power and Conflict (S_SPC, 2023, Vrije Universiteit). Including a carefully composed shortlist of authors and their related thinking concepts, which could be refered to at the exam.
- Book
- Notes de cours
- • 20 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•State, Power and Conflict (STPC)
Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation • Joseph S. Nye, David A. Welch• ISBN 9780134403168
Aperçu 3 sur 20 pages
Relevant descriptions, theories and notes from the lectures of State, Power and Conflict (S_SPC, 2023, Vrije Universiteit). Including a carefully composed shortlist of authors and their related thinking concepts, which could be refered to at the exam.

notes that cover all the lectures given for the course state, power, and conflict. from lecture 3 onwards, the notes are transcribed from audio recordings of the lectures, I can't showcase it in 'free showcased pages' but if you sent me a message I can sent you an example of what it looks like further on in the document.
- Package deal
- Notes de cours
- • 69 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•State, Power and Conflict (STPC)
state, power, and conflict bundle• Par lucasw135
Aperçu 10 sur 69 pages
notes that cover all the lectures given for the course state, power, and conflict. from lecture 3 onwards, the notes are transcribed from audio recordings of the lectures, I can't showcase it in 'free showcased pages' but if you sent me a message I can sent you an example of what it looks like further on in the document.

summary of politics by Andrew Heywood (chapters, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 17, 7 (only 161-170 ), what is power in global affairs by Joseph nye (chapter 1), the making of global international relations by acharya and buzan (chapter 1, 3, 5, 7, 9), articles from the course.
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 149 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•State, Power and Conflict (STPC)
state, power, and conflict bundle• Par lucasw135
Aperçu 4 sur 149 pages
summary of politics by Andrew Heywood (chapters, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 17, 7 (only 161-170 ), what is power in global affairs by Joseph nye (chapter 1), the making of global international relations by acharya and buzan (chapter 1, 3, 5, 7, 9), articles from the course.