Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Psychologie
Latest uploads for Psychologie at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Looking for Psychologie notes at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Psychologie at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
Courses Psychologie at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Notes available for the following courses of Psychologie at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Analyses Toolbox 1
Angst en depressie bij kinderen en adolescenten P_BANDEKA 4
APA Writing 1
Arbeids- & Organisatiepsychologie P_BARORPS 7
Arbeids- en Organisatie Psychologie 1
Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie P_BARORPS 27
Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie deel 2 2
Assessment and coaching skill P_BASCSK 2
Assessment and Coaching Skills P_BASCSK 1
B-these P_BM3BTH 1
B-these Klinische Leerlijn P_BSTAT3KL 1
Bachelorscriptie BTHESEKP_9999_1 1
Behavior genetics in psychology P_BMOLGEN 1
Behaviour and the Brain part 1: Addiction P_BBAA_1 1
Behaviour and the Brain part 2: Cognitive Neuroscience P_BBAC_2 4
Behaviour genetics in psychology P_BMOLGEN 1
Big Data in Psychology P_BBDPSY 7
Big Data in Psychology (P_BBDPSY) P_BBDPSY 1
Biological & Cognitive Psychology P_BBIOCOG 8
Biological and cognitive psychology 2
Biological Psychology P_BEVOLPS 2
Biological psychology P_UBIOPSY P_UBIOPSY 1
Biologische & Cognitieve Psychologie P_BSTATIS_1 52
Biologische Psychologie 1
Brain in Trouble P_BBAA_1 1
Business Adminsitration 3
Cognition & Emotion P_HCOGNEM 1
Cognitive Neuroscience P_BBAC_2 2
Cooperation and Competition P_BCOCOM 3
Current Topics in Cognition P_BCTCPN 3
Developmental Psychology P_BEVOLPS 1
Developmental Psychology & Psychopathology P_BOWPPSY 4
Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology P_BPSPAPR 1
Diagnostiek 1
Diagnostiek in de Klinische Praktijk P_BDKPKN 5
Diagnostiek klinische praktijk P_BDKPKO 1
Diagnostiek Voor De Kinische Praktijk 1
Diagnostiek voor de Klinische Praktijk FGB_P_BDKPKO 6
Diagnostiek voor de klinische praktijk, kinderen en adolescenten P_BDKPKO 7
Diagnostiek Voor De Klinische Praktijk, Klinische Neuropsychologie P_BDKPKN 13
Diagnostiek voor de Klinische Praktijk, Klinische Psychologie P_BDKPKL 3
Diagnostiek voor Klinische Praktijk, Klinische Psychologie P_BDKPKL 1
Diversity in Clinical Practice P_BDIVCP 4
E-mental health 1
E-mental health, praktijk en onderzoek 1
E-Testing & Big Data P_BBDPSY 10
EMental Health, Praktijk en Onderzoek P_MEMHPRO 2
EmentalHealth praktijk en onderzoek P_MEMHPRO 4
Emotie, cognitie & gedrag 1
Emotie, Cognitie En Gedrag Deel 1 1
Emotie, Cognitie En Gedrag Deel 2 1
Emotie, Cognitie En Gedrag Vanuit Een Klinisch Perspectief P_BEMCG_2 1
Emotie, cognitie en gedrag vanuit een klinisch perspectief - deel 1 ECG 1
Emotie, Cognitie en Gedrag vanuit een Klinisch Perspectief: deel 2 P_BEMCG_2 4
Emotie, Cognitie en Gedrag vanuit Klinisch Perspectief: deel 1 P_BEMCG_1 4
Emotion And Social Cognition 1
Emotion, Cognition and Behaviour P_BEMCG_1 1
Emotion, Cognition, & Behaviour From A Clinical Perspective P_BEMCG_2 2
Evidence-based Interventies bij Kinderen en Adoles P_BONWKA 1
Evolutionary Psychology P_BEVOLPS 5
Evolutionary Psychology (P_BEVOLPS) P_BPSPAPR 3
Filosofie en Psychologie P_BFILPSY 57
Functieleer 1
Gedragsgenetica 3
Geestelijke Gezondheidzorg en Psychopathologie 2
Genes & Environment Interplay P_BSAGEOM 16
Genes and Environment Interplay P_BSAGEOM 2
Genes in behaviour and health 1
Group Dynamics P_BGRDYNA 4
History and Philosophy of Psychology 2
Human Resource Development P_BHRDEVE 10
Human Resource management P_BHRMANA 6
Inleiding in de Psychologie P_BINLPSY 47
Inleiding Psychologie/Introduction Psychology P_BINLPSY 2
Inleiding Psychologie/Introduction to Psychology P_BINLPSY 4
Interculturele Psychologie 1
Introduction to Psychology P_BINLPSY 4
Jeugddelinquentie en Antisociale ontwikkeling 1
Klinisch werkveld en interventiemethoden P_BKLWINT 6
Klinisch werkveld en organisatie P_BKLWORG 9
Klinische Gespreksvoering P_BKLGSV 1
Klinische Lessen P_BKLINLES 31
Klinische werkveld en oriëntatie 1
Kortdurende Psychologische Interventies P_BKPSIN 10
Leadership and Cooperation: part 1 P_BLECO_2 2
Leadership in Organisations P_BLECO_2 5
Low Intensity Treatments For Common Mental Health Problems P_BKPSIN 2
M&D 3 individuele organisatiediagnose 1
M&D 3: organisatiepsychologie 1
M&D3: Individuele en organisatiediagnose P_BMD3IOD 1
Management and Organisation P_BMANORG 4
Masterclass cultuursensitieve hulpverlening 1
Masterthese Klinische Psychologie 1
Measurement and Assessment P_BPSPHM 1
Measurement Theory & Assessment I P_BMETDIA_1 3
Measurement Theory & Assessment II P_BMETDIA_2 3
Measurement Theory and Assessment 1 P_BMETDIA_1 2
Measurement theory and assessment II P_BMETDIA_2 1
Medical Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy P_BBAC_2 5
Medische Neurowetenschappen en Neuro-Anatomie P_BANDEKA 3
Meten & Diagnostiek II P_BMETDIA_2 2
Meten en Diagnostiek 1 P_METDIA_1 47
Meten en Diagnostiek 2 P_BMETDIA_2 34
Meten en Diagnostiek 3 5
Methodologie P_BMETHOD_1 1
Methodologie 1 P_BMETHOD_1 38
Methodologie 2 P_BMETHOD_2 21
Methodologie II P_BMETHOD_2 1
Methodology 3 and start B thesis P_BM3BTH 1
Methodology 3: Genes, Brain, and Behaviour 3
Mind Brain And Education P_BMBEDUC 1
Negotiation P_MNEGOTI 4
Neuro Imaging 1
Neuro-Imaging P_MNEUIM 9
Neurofarmacologie 1
Neuropsychologie P_BPEDNEU 33
Neuropsychologie van de Veroudering P_MNPINTM 19
Neuropsychologische Interventiemethoden P_MNPINTM 2
Neuropsychology P_BNEUROP 6
Neuropsychology Of Ageing P_BNPSOUD 13
Neuropsychology of Aging P_BNPSOUD 1
Ontwikkeling en Psychopathologie 1
Ontwikkelingspsychologie & Psychopathologie P_BOWPPSY 28
Ontwikkelingspsychologie en pathologie 1
Ontwikkelingsstoornissen bij Kinderen en Adolescenten P_BONWKA 2
Ontwikkelingsstoornissen kinderen en adolescenten P_BONWKA 6
Patientdemonstraties 3
Pediatrische Neuropsychologie P_BPEDNEU 31
Pediatrische Psychologie 1
Pedriatische Neuropsychologie 1
Personality at Work 2
Personality Psychology 13
Personality Theory and Assessment P_BPEROND 3
Persoonlijkheidsleer en Persoonlijkheidsonderzoek P_BPEROND 23
Persoonlijkheidstheorie 1
Persoonlijkheidstheorie en onderzoek P_BPEROND 18
Persoonlijkheidstheorie- En Onderzoek 3
Philosophy & Psychology P_BFILPSY 13
Philosophy and Psychology P_BFILPSY 1
Pre-minor: Emotion and Cognition from a clinical perspective 4
Preminor Leadership & Cooperation 1
Prevention of Mental Health Problems P_BPSPAPR 2
Problemen op school 1
Psyche en Soma P_MPSYSOMA 7
Psychofarmacologie P_BPSYFAR 19
Psychological Communication 2: Professional Skills P_BPSG2PV 7
Psychological Interventions for Complex Problems P_BPSINCP 1
Psychological Interview Skills 1: Basic Skills P_BPSG1BA 1
Psychologie en het Brein 1
Psychologische Gespreksvaardigheden 1: Basisvaardigheden P_BPSG1BA 1
Psychologische Gespreksvaardigheden 1: Basisvaardigheden (P_BPSG1BA) P_BPSG2PV 2
Psychologische Gespreksvaardigheden 2: Professionele Vaardigheden P_BPSG2PV 4
Psychologische Gespreksvoering 1: Basisvaardigheden P_BPSG1BA 4
Psychologische Gespreksvoering 2: Professionele Vaardigheden P_BPSG2PV 1
Psychologische Interventies Complexe Problematiek P_BPSINCP 5
Psychologische Interventies voor complexe problematiek P_BPSINCP 3
Psychology PSYC101 2
Psychopathology and Prevention P_BPSPAPR 5
Psychopathology and Prevention (P_BPSPAPR) P_BPSPAPR 4
Psychopharmacology P_BPSYFAR 7
Psychophysiological measurement P_BPSPHM 1
Psychosen en prepsychotische beelden 1
Research Methods 1 P_BMETHOD_1 3
Research Methods 2 P_BMETHOD_2 3
Research Methods II P_BMETHOD_2 2
Research Methods in Psychology 1 P_BMETHOD_1 1
Research tool kit/Epidemiology (P_BRTKEPI) P_BRTKEPI 2
Samenspel Genen & Omgeving P_BSAGEOM 3
Samenspel Van Genen En Omgeving P_BSAGEOM 8
Seminarium gedragstherapie P_MGEDTHE 10
Seminarium Klinische Gespreksvoering 1
Sensation and Perception P_BSENPER 1
Social Psychology P_BSOCPSY 1
Sociale Psychologie P_METDIA_1 34
Statistics 3 P_BSTAT3KL 3
Statistics II P_BSTATIS_2 2
Statistiek P_BSTAT3KL 2
Statistiek 1 P_BSTATIS_1 69
Statistiek 2 P_BSTATIS_2 33
Statistiek 3 P_BSTATIS_2 17
Statistiek 3 voor klinische leerlijn P_BSTAT3KL 4
Statistiek 3, Leerlijn Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie P_BSTAT3SOP 1
Thesis (3020BA421Z) P_BM3BTH 1
Wiskunde 1
Work & Organisational Psychology P_BARORPS 3
Work & Organizational Psychology P_BARORPS 1
Work and Health P_BSTRHEA 2
Work and Organizational Psychology P_BEVOLPS 2
Popular books Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Psychologie
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Latest notes & summaries Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Psychologie
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7143809/679d4f28aae18_7143809_121_171.jpeg)
My report for Measurement and Diagnostics 2 from the second year of Psychology at Vrije Universiteit. I scored an 7.7 on this report!
- Essay
- • 9 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Meten en Diagnostiek 2
Preview 2 out of 9 pages
My report for Measurement and Diagnostics 2 from the second year of Psychology at Vrije Universiteit. I scored an 7.7 on this report!
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7143601/679d38303c484_7143601_121_171.jpeg)
My report for Measurement and Diagnostics 1 from the first year of Psychology at Vrije Universiteit. I scored an 8.6 on this report! This report consists of the title page, reliability method, reliability results, validity method, validity results, discussion of reliability and validity, diagnostic report of an individual participant, appendices (including reference tables), and a reference list.
- Essay
- • 10 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Methodologie 2
Preview 2 out of 10 pages
My report for Measurement and Diagnostics 1 from the first year of Psychology at Vrije Universiteit. I scored an 8.6 on this report! This report consists of the title page, reliability method, reliability results, validity method, validity results, discussion of reliability and validity, diagnostic report of an individual participant, appendices (including reference tables), and a reference list.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7091240/6794fff910dd5_7091240_121_171.jpeg)
This document contains MOST of the answers of the key points of chapter 1,3,4,5,6,7,8. NOTE: lecture 2 is missing. This course is part of the minor Psychology and the Brain at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
- Book
- Summary
- • 39 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Neuropsychologie
Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology • Bryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw• ISBN 9781319383503
Preview 1 out of 39 pages
This document contains MOST of the answers of the key points of chapter 1,3,4,5,6,7,8. NOTE: lecture 2 is missing. This course is part of the minor Psychology and the Brain at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7070681/67920cd0aa329_7070681_121_171.jpeg)
This document offers a comprehensive summary of all the content covered in the Psychopharmacology course at Vrije Universiteit. Given the challenging nature of the material, I’ve worked to make it as clear and approachable as possible. Hopefully, this tool helps you study and reduces some of the stress! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out. Best of luck with your studies!
- Book
- Summary
- • 118 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Psychofarmacologie
Stahl\'s Essential Psychopharmacology • Stephen M. Stahl• ISBN 9781108981217
Preview 6 out of 118 pages
This document offers a comprehensive summary of all the content covered in the Psychopharmacology course at Vrije Universiteit. Given the challenging nature of the material, I’ve worked to make it as clear and approachable as possible. Hopefully, this tool helps you study and reduces some of the stress! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out. Best of luck with your studies!
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6843441/67622d1d28e6c_6843441_121_171.jpeg)
Hi everyone! 
I'm selling my detailed notes for Work and Organizational Psychology (Year 2), which include both Part 1 and Part 2. These notes cover all lectures, including both on-campus and online ones. 
They are well-organized, easy to follow, and perfect for preparing for the exam. 
Feel free to check them out and message me if you have any questions.
- Summary
- • 76 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Work and Organizational Psychology
Preview 4 out of 76 pages
Hi everyone! 
I'm selling my detailed notes for Work and Organizational Psychology (Year 2), which include both Part 1 and Part 2. These notes cover all lectures, including both on-campus and online ones. 
They are well-organized, easy to follow, and perfect for preparing for the exam. 
Feel free to check them out and message me if you have any questions.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6839939/67615f9e145ba_6839939_121_171.jpeg)
This document includes 20 questions per chapter, covering chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, 14, and 15 of the Negotiation course, totaling 120 questions. The questions are thoughtfully created based on both the lectures and the textbook chapters. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I hope you find this resource helpful!
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 20 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Negotiation
Negotiation • Roy Lewicki• ISBN 9781259192029
Complete Negotiation Study Pack: Lectures, Summaries & Practice Exam• By jennifer55
Preview 3 out of 20 pages
This document includes 20 questions per chapter, covering chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, 14, and 15 of the Negotiation course, totaling 120 questions. The questions are thoughtfully created based on both the lectures and the textbook chapters. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I hope you find this resource helpful!
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6826765/675e9935049a9_6826765_121_171.jpeg)
This document contains all the material of the subject Behaviour Genetics in Psychology that you need to get a guaranteed high grade on your exam. Including the relevant material of the lectures and information from the book: ''Behavioral Genetics (7th Edition). Editors Knopik, Neiderhiser, DeFries, and Plomin''.
- Book
- Summary
- • 27 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Behavior genetics in psychology
Behavioral Genetics • Robert Plomin• ISBN 9781429205771
Preview 3 out of 27 pages
This document contains all the material of the subject Behaviour Genetics in Psychology that you need to get a guaranteed high grade on your exam. Including the relevant material of the lectures and information from the book: ''Behavioral Genetics (7th Edition). Editors Knopik, Neiderhiser, DeFries, and Plomin''.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6811320/675b59b0b7f46_6811320_121_171.jpeg)
This document contains a concise summary of the Work & Organizational Psychology course, taught at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 
This summary contains lecture notes, as well as some further explanations from the book where needed. 
Note: This is only Part 1 of the course (Chapter 1-10).
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 26 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie
Psychology Year 2 Period 2 Summary Package Deal• By d26
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
This document contains a concise summary of the Work & Organizational Psychology course, taught at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 
This summary contains lecture notes, as well as some further explanations from the book where needed. 
Note: This is only Part 1 of the course (Chapter 1-10).
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6810160/675b1a233d437_6810160_121_171.jpeg)
There are notes from all lectures and summaries of assigned articles.
- Class notes
- • 88 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Diversity in clinical practice
Preview 4 out of 88 pages
There are notes from all lectures and summaries of assigned articles.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6802021/675981e099f9c_6802021_121_171.jpeg)
This document contains a concise summary of the lecture notes (including some key parts from the textbook) for the Measurement Theory & Assessment 2 course, which was given at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 
The summary is divided into weeks, with some pictures and graphs to aid understanding. All the formulas discussed in the lectures are also included.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 16 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Meten en Diagnostiek 2
Psychology Year 2 Period 2 Summary Package Deal• By d26
Preview 3 out of 16 pages
This document contains a concise summary of the lecture notes (including some key parts from the textbook) for the Measurement Theory & Assessment 2 course, which was given at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 
The summary is divided into weeks, with some pictures and graphs to aid understanding. All the formulas discussed in the lectures are also included.