Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Theologie
Latest uploads for Theologie at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Looking for Theologie notes at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Theologie at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
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Courses Theologie at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Notes available for the following courses of Theologie at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Ambtelijk Leidinggeven 2
Ethiek 1
Geschiedenis van de Westerse Filosofie 1
Godsdienstpsychologie 1
Hebreeuws 5
Hermeneutiek G_BHERM 1
Inleiding Oude Testament 3
Kerkgeschiedenis 1
Reformatiegeschiedenis 1
Systematische Theologie 3
Popular books Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Theologie
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/4vyXMVyBrK21/6Kjknn/136x210.jpg)
J. van den Brink, C. van der Kooi • ISBN 9789023926061
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/666804803.jpg)
D. Palmer • ISBN 9789027464392
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/3o1x92GVlNO/168x206.jpg)
Michael David Coogan, Cynthia R. Chapma • ISBN 9780190238599
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000014737938.jpg)
Everett Ferguson • ISBN 9780310516569
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/NVVw59xxLXL/137x210.jpg)
David Jasper • ISBN 9780664227517
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/NkDAvYJv4EM2/139x210.jpg)
Ian A. Mcfarland, Ian A. Mcfarland • ISBN 9781405183659
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/BljpMnkZjz2/135x210.jpg)
Gijsbert van den Brink • ISBN 9789023971535
Latest notes & summaries Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) • Theologie
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/61fc06cb733f5_1538602.jpg)
I would highly recommend my complete summary of McClendon’s “Ethics”. In my opinion “Ethics” is a dense book, in which McClendon deals with many different authors and disciplines. Therefore I myself needed to get grip on the structure of the book and the main line of thought of this important theological work. This led me to produce this summary, in which I tried to represent McClendon’s ethical theory in a clear and complete way. At many places my summary is really extended, because...
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- Summary
- • 41 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Systematische Theologie
Ethics • James Wm. McClendon, Jr., James William, Jr. Mcclendon• ISBN 9780687000548
Preview 4 out of 41 pages
I would highly recommend my complete summary of McClendon’s “Ethics”. In my opinion “Ethics” is a dense book, in which McClendon deals with many different authors and disciplines. Therefore I myself needed to get grip on the structure of the book and the main line of thought of this important theological work. This led me to produce this summary, in which I tried to represent McClendon’s ethical theory in a clear and complete way. At many places my summary is really extended, because...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/60818e855b729_1074459.jpg)
This document is a complete summary of the revised edition of Carroll's important work "As One With Authority" (2011). Carroll provides a sociological and theological perspective on pastoral authority by describing both the ultimate and penultimate bases for authority. In addition he argues that "reflective leadership" is what our churches need. In doing this he is taking some fundamental biblical/theological beliefs as well as our contemporary context into account. I would highly recommend...
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- • 29 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Ambtelijk Leidinggeven
As One with Authority, Second Edition • Jackson W Carroll• ISBN 9781608997374
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This document is a complete summary of the revised edition of Carroll's important work "As One With Authority" (2011). Carroll provides a sociological and theological perspective on pastoral authority by describing both the ultimate and penultimate bases for authority. In addition he argues that "reflective leadership" is what our churches need. In doing this he is taking some fundamental biblical/theological beliefs as well as our contemporary context into account. I would highly recommend...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5c518fa72e9f8_505463.jpg)
Dit document is een beknopte, maar zeer volledige samenvatting van het complete boek van David Jasper, A Short Introduction to Hermeneutics. Mijns inziens kan deze samenvatting zelfs dienen als vervanging van het boek (wat je geld bespaart). Ook is het een goede, maar korte eerste inleiding in de hermeneutiek voor diegenen die onderzoek willen doen op dit vakgebied. De samenvatting heeft dezelfde indeling als het boek en kent exact dezelfde titels en tussenkopjes.

Naast een samenvatting bevat h...
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- Summary
- • 28 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Hermeneutiek
A Short Introduction to Hermeneutics • David Jasper• ISBN 9780664227517
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Dit document is een beknopte, maar zeer volledige samenvatting van het complete boek van David Jasper, A Short Introduction to Hermeneutics. Mijns inziens kan deze samenvatting zelfs dienen als vervanging van het boek (wat je geld bespaart). Ook is het een goede, maar korte eerste inleiding in de hermeneutiek voor diegenen die onderzoek willen doen op dit vakgebied. De samenvatting heeft dezelfde indeling als het boek en kent exact dezelfde titels en tussenkopjes.

Naast een samenvatting bevat h...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5b044dfca70b4_426041.jpg)
This document contains a compact, but complete summary of the book "Do morals matter?" from Ian S. Markham. Only the last two chapters are not included, because they are not very relevant. At the end of the summary of each chapter, I added a glossary with the most imporant concepts of that chapter. I can really recommend this summary to you, when you have a test about this book, or when you are looking for a short introduction to the ethical field.
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- Summary
- • 21 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Ethiek
Do Morals Matter? • Ian S. Markham, D. Markham• ISBN 9781405153782
Preview 3 out of 21 pages
This document contains a compact, but complete summary of the book "Do morals matter?" from Ian S. Markham. Only the last two chapters are not included, because they are not very relevant. At the end of the summary of each chapter, I added a glossary with the most imporant concepts of that chapter. I can really recommend this summary to you, when you have a test about this book, or when you are looking for a short introduction to the ethical field.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5aba6ef67bb3c_410366.jpg)
Please note: I never claim this document to be a complete summary of the first part of MacCulloch’s book. This document only contains main lines of part 1 of the book, which are relevant in my opinion. Therefore, my subheadings do not correspond with those in the book. Though this document is not a complete summary of Church History, I still believe it is very useful for students, because it indicates in a very compact way what is important in the first six chapters.
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- • 10 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Reformatiegeschiedenis
The Reformation • Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of the History of the Church Diarmaid MacCulloch• ISBN 9780143035381
Preview 3 out of 10 pages
Please note: I never claim this document to be a complete summary of the first part of MacCulloch’s book. This document only contains main lines of part 1 of the book, which are relevant in my opinion. Therefore, my subheadings do not correspond with those in the book. Though this document is not a complete summary of Church History, I still believe it is very useful for students, because it indicates in a very compact way what is important in the first six chapters.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/59eb472c5af71_361757.jpg)
This is a very detailed summary of chapter 4-23 of the book 'A brief introduction to the Old Testament' from Michael D. Coogan. I've summarized ch. 1-3 in my vernacular, so therefore these chapters are not included in this file. I've added an index and I've copied the titles and (sub)headings of the original book, so you will find subjects that you possibly will be seeking to very easily.

Please note that I used the Second Edition of this book.

Are you a Dutch student? You can get my summarize...
- Book
- Summary
- • 71 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Inleiding Oude Testament
A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament • Michael David Coogan, Cynthia R. Chapma• ISBN 9780190238599
Preview 5 out of 71 pages
This is a very detailed summary of chapter 4-23 of the book 'A brief introduction to the Old Testament' from Michael D. Coogan. I've summarized ch. 1-3 in my vernacular, so therefore these chapters are not included in this file. I've added an index and I've copied the titles and (sub)headings of the original book, so you will find subjects that you possibly will be seeking to very easily.

Please note that I used the Second Edition of this book.

Are you a Dutch student? You can get my summarize...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/580f9ed38c2ab.png)
LET OP: Van het boek (Tweede editie) zijn hoofdstuk 3 tot en met 24 samengevat. Dit houdt in dat hoofdstuk 1 en 2 niet in de samenvatting zijn opgenomen.

De samenvatting bestaat uit 96 pagina's; de tekst uit het originele boek beslaat bijna 500 pagina's.
De laatste twee pagina's bevatten een overzicht van de belangrijkste werken van belangrijke auteurs uit de kerkgeschiedenis tot en met de 13e eeuw.

Zo nu en dan is in tabellen het verschil in opvatting tussen twee verschillende personen uit d...
- Book
- Summary
- • 96 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Kerkgeschiedenis
Church History • Everett Ferguson• ISBN 9780310516569
Preview 5 out of 96 pages
LET OP: Van het boek (Tweede editie) zijn hoofdstuk 3 tot en met 24 samengevat. Dit houdt in dat hoofdstuk 1 en 2 niet in de samenvatting zijn opgenomen.

De samenvatting bestaat uit 96 pagina's; de tekst uit het originele boek beslaat bijna 500 pagina's.
De laatste twee pagina's bevatten een overzicht van de belangrijkste werken van belangrijke auteurs uit de kerkgeschiedenis tot en met de 13e eeuw.

Zo nu en dan is in tabellen het verschil in opvatting tussen twee verschillende personen uit d...