Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Looking for study notes at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)? On Stuvia you will find more than 14.752 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
Courses at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Notes available for the following courses at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Uitgeefkunde 257
Goederenrecht R_Inlgoed3 110R_Inlgoed3
Statistiek 1 P_BSTATIS_1 98P_BSTATIS_1
Internationaal privaatrecht R_intprivNot 96R_intprivNot
Beginselen strafrecht R_BegstrR 92R_BegstrR
Materieel strafrecht R_Mat.strC 91R_Mat.strC
Celbiologie en Immunologie CBI 88CBI
Burgerlijk procesrecht en insolventierecht R-BurgPI 87R-BurgPI
Contractenrecht R_GoedCon9 78R_GoedCon9
Methodologie 1 P_BMETHOD_1 68P_BMETHOD_1
Humane Levenscyclus I HL1 67HL1
Forensische psychiatrie R_R.psy 61R_R.psy
Rechtspsychologie R-R.psy 61R-R.psy
Meten en Diagnostiek 2 P_METDIA_2 59P_METDIA_2
Neurosciences AB_1200 57AB_1200
Fundamental Rights in Europe R_FunRE 54R_FunRE
Biologische & Cognitieve Psychologie P_BSTATIS_1 53P_BSTATIS_1
Statistiek 2 Statistiek 2 52Statistiek 2
Inleiding Criminologie R_Inl.crimC 50R_Inl.crimC
Staatsrecht R_Staatsr 46R_Staatsr
Popular books Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/nMxV0l7kZJ7/148x210.jpg)
Frans Luteijn, Dick Barelds • ISBN 9789024408115
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/xP0NVEllX6n/146x210.jpg)
Kris Goethals, Gerben Meynen • ISBN 9789024430086
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/gpyor287wPGZ/550x838.jpg)
A.D. Belinfante, J.L. de Reede • ISBN 9789013146509
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/ryB8EY75X8p/133x210.jpg)
M.J. Kronenberg, B. de Wilde • ISBN 9789013140804
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/kDLWNJOmJB75/QnnwnJM/144x210.jpg)
C.C.J.H. Bijleveld • ISBN 9789462361706
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/YlVPgQzE5v4W/xv76oBr/148x210.jpg)
W. Hugenholtz, W.H. Heemskerk • ISBN 9789463173001
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/PVLgkxvjzBgz/lYM0mvg/137x210.jpg)
ISBN 9789462129313
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/qwAyvw7Mwg2/147x210.jpg)
R. van Deth, Ron van Deth • ISBN 9789036822848
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/mAj6Pgl55L9/165x210.jpg)
Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas • ISBN 9780323353175
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/RPQjKq2wODpV/166x210.jpg)
Alan Agresti, Christine A. Franklin • ISBN 9781292164779
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/1001004005816530.jpg)
W.H.M. Reehuis A.H.T. Heisterkamp • ISBN 9789013052770
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/Y7ZgBq2VjXB0/145x210.jpg)
ISBN 9789023255314
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/JrRGRpzVDgvK/j7985P/137x210.jpg)
R.J.N. Schlossels, S.E. Zijlstra • ISBN 9789013146394
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/1001004006559608.jpg)
Jan van de Craats, R. Bosch • ISBN 9789043016735
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/jRl44x9VXNLP/138x210.jpg)
Edwin Koster • ISBN 9789086598021
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/6B3KANG5oYrL/BL98XoQ/137x210.jpg)
ISBN 9789462903593
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/v8q4Bq7L1ELM/142x210.jpg)
J.M.D. Boot • ISBN 9789023256946
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/qMmmLBmwnV9r/6Rymj57/161x210.jpg)
Lauren Pecorino • ISBN 9780198833024
Michael S. Gazzaniga • ISBN 9780393884586
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/57VWPzKQ9oQ8/157x210.jpg)
Bob De Wit • ISBN 9781473765856
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/mwopnxlZ0ZlG/550x814.jpg)
M.J.A. van Mourik • ISBN 9789013154290
Majors at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Notes available for the following studies at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Aanbestedingsrecht voor Inkopers 1
Aarde, Economie en Duurzaamheid 28
Aardwetenschappen 8
Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs 1
Accountancy and Control 1
Accountancy&Control 2
Accounting and Control 23
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen & Communicatie en Informatiewetenschappen 1
Algemene sociale wetenschappen 8
Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen, Sociologie, Politicologie, Antropologie 2
Anthropology 8
AP_4709017 1
Arbeidsrecht 18
Archeologie 1
Artificial Intelligence 175
B Criminologie 3
BA: Leadership & Change Management 1
Bachelor Biomedical Sciences 181
Bachelor Psychologie 1
Bachelor Psychology 75
Basisopleiding Verandermanagement - Ten Have et al 1
BCO. Beleid, Communicatie, Organisatie 2
Bedrijfseconomie: Accounting & Control Research 1
Bedrijfskunde 508
Bedrijfskunde: 1
Bedrijfskunde: Accounting 2
Bedrijfskunde: Digital Business and Innovation 3
Bedrijfskunde: Entrepreneurship 2
Bedrijfskunde: Finance 4
Bedrijfskunde: Human Resource Management / Leadership and Change Management 1
Bedrijfskunde: International Management 3
Bedrijfskunde: Marketing 3
Bedrijfskunde: Strategy and Organization 1
Bedrijfskunde: Transport and Supply Chain Management 8
Beleid Communicatie Organisatie 4
Beleid, Communicatie & Organisatie / COM 2
Beleid, Communicatie en Organisatie 179
Beleid, Communicatie Organisatie 1
Beleid,communicatie en organisatie 1
Bestuur, Politiek en Samenleving 1
Bestuurs en Organisatiewetenschap 1
Bestuurs en Organsatiewetenschappen 35
Bestuurs- en organisatiewetenschap 113
Bestuurs- En Organsatiewetenschappen 217
Bestuurskunde 18
Bestuurskunde pre-master 15
Bewegingswetenschappen 349
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 10
Bioinformatics and Systemsbiology 3
Biologie 8
Biologische psychologie 1
Biomedical Sciences 724
Biomedical Sciences Specialization Neurobiology 1
Biomedical Technology & Physics 1
Biomedical topics in health care 2
Biomedical Topics in Healthcare 3
Biomedische Wetenschappen 59
Biomolecular Siences 5
Brain and Mind 5
Business Administration 92
Business Administration Minor 3
Business Administration Premaster 6
Business Administration: Accounting 6
Business Administration: Digital Business and Innovation 3
Business Administration: Economics 2
Business Administration: Entrepreneurship 5
Business Administration: Finance 4
Business Administration: Financial Management 1
Business Administration: Human Resource Management / Leadership and Change Management 5
Business Administration: Management Consulting 8
Business Administration: Marketing 7
Business Administration: Strategy and Organization 26
Business Administration: Transport and Supply Chain Management 2
Business Analytics 54
Business Analytics and Data Science Minor 1
Business Economics 1
Cardiovascular research 1
Changing Organizational Culture 1
Communicatie over gezondheid 1
Communicatie over gezondheidszorg 1
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen 102
Communicatiewetenschap 561
Communicatiewetenschap: Anthropology 1
Communication Science 33
Computer Science 43
Criminologie 768
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology 25
Culture and Identity in Organizations 1
Culture Organisation and Management 1
Culture, Organisation and Management 7
Culturele antropologie en ontwikkelingssociologie 55
Data Science 1
De Schrijfacademie 2
Decision Making in Business and Society 10
Digital Business and Innovation 16
Discovering Statistics 1
Drug Discovery and Safety 18
Drug Discovery Sciences 11
E-business and online commerce 4
Earth Sciences 1
Ecology & Evolution 1
Econometrics and Data Science 4
Econometrie en Operationele research 9
Economic and Business Administration 1
Economics & Business Economics 1
Economics and Business Economics 47
Economie en bedrijfseconomie 166
Educatie in de Taal en Cultuurwetenschappen Engels 1
Endocrinologie 2
English: Literature & Society 1
Environment and Resource Managament 1
Environment and Resource Management 17
Environment and Resource Management Pre-Master 1
Environment resource management 1
Environmental engineering 1
Epidemiologie & biostatistiek 2
Evidence based practice in health care 3
Evolutionary Biology & Ecology 2
Evolutionary Biology and Ecology 4
Farmaceutische wetenschappen 58
Filosofie 4
Finance 4
Finance: Financial Management 1
Financial Management 9
Fiscaal Recht 36
Forensische Linguïstiek Minor 4
Forensische Neuropsychologie 5
Foundations of Business Administration 1
Fysiologie 1
Geneeskunde 319
Geneeskunde en Biomedische Wetenschappen 12
Geschiedenis 17
Gezin, recht en forensische gedragswetenschappen 3
Gezondheid en Leven 651
Gezondheid En Leven / Biomedical Sciences 4
Gezondheid en Leven or biomedical schiences 9
Gezondheid en Leven: Biomedische Wetenschappen 41
Gezondheid en Leven: Duurzame Gezondheid en Zorg 13
Gezondheid en Leven: Klinische Wetenschappen 17
Gezondheidswetenschappen 711
Health Science 8
Health Sciences 107
Health Sciences Master 38
Health Sciences pre-master 19
History and International Studies 4
History of Social Sciences 1
Honours Programme 1
Human Movement Sciences 57
Human Rights and the Border 1
Hydrology 3
Informatica 1
Informatie, Multimedia en Management 4
Information Sciences 2
International Business Administration 423
International crime, conflict, and criminology 2
International Crimes, Conflict & Criminology 1
International Crimes, Conflict and Criminology 19
International Public Health 2
International Technology Law 1
Interventiecriminologie 2
Introduction to Communication Science 1
Introduction to Psychology 2
Introductory Statistics 1
IPABO leerkracht Basisonderwijs, WO Pedagogische Wetenschappen 28
IT audit 1
Joint Bachelor Theologie / Algemene Godgeleerdheid 2
Journalistiek 3
Jurist & Overheid 1
Klinische neuropsychologie 17
Klinische ontwikkelingsPsychologie 1
Knowledge Sharing 1
Law and Global Society 1
Law in Society - Rechtsgeleerdheid 16
Law master 1
Leergang aanbestedingsrecht 1
Leraar VHO in Biologie 1
Letterkunde 1
Lifestyle Informatics 3
Literature and Society 3
M Bestuurskunde 1
M.Sc. Business Administration - Strategy & Organization 21
MA Politieke en Publieke Communicatie 6
Maatschappelijk Werk en Dienstverlening 1
Main concepts of statistics 1
Management, Policy Analysis 27
Management, Policy Analysis 7
Management, Policy Analysis and entrepeneurship 4
Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship 12
Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship i 9
Management, Policy analysis, and Entrepreneurship 2
Management, Policy-Analysis and Entrepreneurship in Health and Life Science 45
Management, Policy-analysis And Entrepreneurship In Health Sciences 26
Marketing 6
Marketing Master 1
Massacommunicatie en Publieke opinie 1
Master Accounting & Control 5
Master Beleid Communicatie en Organisatie 3
Master Beleid, Communicatie 4
Master Bestuurskunde 41
Master Bouwrecht 42
Master Business Analytics 3
Master Communicatie Wetenschap 19
Master Communication Science 1
Master Criminologie 59
Master Environment and Resource Management 1
Master Fiscaal Recht 69
Master Health sciences 14
Master Jurist & Overheid 7
Master Klinische Ontwikkelings Psychologie 10
Master Klinische Ontwikkelingspsychologie 15
Master Klinische Psychologie 48
Master Management, Policy analysis and entrepreneu 1
Master Marketing 86
Master MPA 20
Master Orthopedagogiek pedagogische wetenschappen 5
Master Pedagogische Wetenschappen 3
Master Privaatrecht 16
Master Psychologie 6
Master Psychologie: Klinische Ontwikkelingspsychologie 3
Master Psychology 2
Master Rechtsgeleerdheid - Privaatrecht 14
Master rechtsgeleerdheid, Richting Conflicthantering, rechtspraak en mediation 3
Master Rechtsgeleerdheid, richting privaatrecht 4
Master Rechtsgeleerdheid: Jurist en Overheid 9
Master Rechtsgeleerdheid: strafrecht 1
Master Schrijven en Vertalen 1
Master Sociologie 1
Master Sociology 1
Master Strafrecht 56
Master Transport and Supply Chain Management 25
Master\'s Global Health 3
Math 300 satatistics 1
MBRT Radiodiagnostisch laborant 1
Media and entertainment tentamen 1
Media Entertainment Hoorcolleges 2024 1
Media Kunst Design en Architectuur 1
Media, kunst, design en architectuur 75
Media, Society and Politics 1
Medical Natural Sciences 5
Medische natuurwetenschappen 199
Methodologie 1
Minor - Biomedical Topics in Healthcare 2
Minor - Biomedical Topics in Public Health 1
Minor Biomedical Topics in Healthcare 5
Minor Biomolecular science track neuroscience 1
Minor Biomolecular sciences and neuroscience 32
Minor Brain & Mind 8
Minor Business Administration 3
Minor Communicatie Over Gezondheid 2
Minor Data Science 2
Minor E-business & online commerce 1
Minor economics 3
Minor Five Big Issues in Health 6
Minor Forensisch Criminologie 1
Minor Forensische Criminologie 122
Minor Gender and Diversity 1
Minor gezin, recht en forensische gedragswetenschappen 3
Minor Health Care Management 3
Minor Islam / Religiewetenschappen 1
Minor Islam/ Religiewetenschappen: track Islam 1
Minor Managing Digital Innovation 10
Minor netwerken in de informatiemaatschappij 1
Minor Neuroscience 1
Minor Philosophy 1
Minor PMT 3
Minor Psychologie En Het Brein 15
Minor psychology and the brain 19
Minor Real Estate 2
Minor Real Estate Economics and Finance 1
Minor Risk Management 3
Minor Risk Management for Financial Institutions 2
Minor Risk Management in Financial Institutions 1
Minor riskmanagement for financial institutions 1
Minor Spiritual Care 1
Minor Sustainability: Global Challenges, Interdisciplinary Solutions 3
Minor Sustainability: Management and Innovation 16
Minor Technology, Law And Ethics 28
Minor Technology, Law, and Ethics 1
Minor Understanding and Influencing Decisions 2
Minor Understanding and Influencing Decisions in Business and Society 29
Minor: Applied Econometrics 1
Minor: decision making in business and society 1
Minor: Social and Organisational Psychology 1
Minor: Sustainable Management and Innovation 1
Missionair Leiderschap 2
MPA in Life Sciences 4
MSc Artificial Intelligence 21
MSc BA: Leadership & Change Management 3
MSc biomedical Science - Track Neurobiology 1
MSc Business Administration - International Management 1
MSc Business Administration - Leadership & Change Management 5
Msc Duisenberg Honours Programme 2
MSc Economics 5
MSc Entrepreneurship 5
Msc Finance 66
MSc Finance / MSc STREEM 1
MSc Finance and Technology 3
MSc Finance/MSc Financial Management/MSc Finance And Technology 20
Msc Financial Management 12
MSc Health Sciences 1
Msc Marketing and Corporate Communication Science 1
Msc. Business Administration: DHP-FMR 1
Msc. Digital Business and Innovation 4
Msc. Marketing 108
MWD Master BCO VU 1
Nationale GI Minor 1
Nederlandse Taal & Cultuur en Taalwetenschap 2
Neuroscience 14
Neuroscience minor 24
Neurosciences 15
Notarieel recht 227
Oncologie Verpleegkundige 4
Oncology 40
Ondernemingsrecht 6
Ondernemingsrecht aan de Zuidas 25
Onderwijswetenschappen 2
Operationeel Personeelsmanagement 1
Organization and Power 1
Orthopedagogiek 21
Oudheidkunde 1
P Health sciences 1
Peace and Conflict Studies 12
Pedagogische wetenschappen 407
PGO Accountancy 1
Philosophy, Politics and Economics 14
Philsophy 1
Politcal Science: Global Politics 8
Political Science 38
Politicologie 68
Postmaster Accountancy 17
Pre Master Beleid Communicatie Organisatie 2
Pre Master Beleid, Communicatie & Organisatie 1
Pre master bestuurskunde 1
Pre master Finance 2
Pre master: Finance 4
Pre-master Beleid, Communicatie En Organisatie 16
Pre-master Beleid, Communicatie en Organisatie BCO 1
Pre-master Culture, Organization & Management 1
Pre-master Gezondheidswetenschappen 6
Pre-master Health Sciences 1
Pre-master Pedagogische Wetenschappen 12
Premaster Accounting & Control 2
Premaster accounting en control 3
Premaster BCO 23
Premaster Beleid , Communicatie en Organisatie 1
Premaster Beleid, Communicatie 1
Premaster Beleid, Communicatie en Organisatie (BCO 1
Premaster Bestuurskunde 14
Premaster Communicatiewetenschappen 1
Premaster Culture Organization Management 2
Premaster Gezondheidswetenschappen 27
Premaster Health Science 1
Premaster MSc entrepreneurship 2
Premaster Orthopedagogiek 4
Premaster Pedagogische Wetenschappen 21
Premaster Politieke en Publieke Communicatie 3
Premaster Sociologie 4
Premaster VU 1
Privaatrecht master 2
Probability and Statistics 1
Ps 1
Psychologie 1196
Psychologie en Orthopedagogiek 1
Psychologie en pedagogische wetenschappen 2
Psychology 1
Psychology and the Brain 2
Public management 2
Public Policy Economics 1
RA 6
Real Estate Economics and Finance 1
Recht, ethiek en biotechnologie 5
Rechten, Criminologie 8
Rechtsgeleerdheid 2306
Religiewetenschappen 7
Religious dimensions 1
Religious dimensions of global problems 1
Research Master Human Movement Sciences 3
Risk Management for Financial Institutions 1
RM Cognitive Neuropsychology 9
Scheikunde 1
Scheikunde, Chemical Sciences 1
School of Business and Economics 8
Schrijfacademie 3
Science business and innovation 1
Science communication 3
Science, Business and Innovation 25
Sensemaking in Organizations 1
Social and Cultural Anthropology 4
Sociologie 84
Spaans 3
Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics 19
Statistics 2
Statistics and Economics 1
Statistics and Probability 1
Statistics formula sheet 1
Statistics in Business and Economics 1
Statistics study 1
Strategic Entrepreneurship, Organizational Renewal 1
Strategy and Organization 5
Summary Knowledge Management in Organizations 1
Sustainability: Management and Innovation 5
Sustainable Management and Innovation 1
Taalwetenschap 1
Taalwetenschappen 1
Tandheelkunde 129
Technology, Law and Ethics 1
Theologie 20
Transport and Supply Chain Management 10
Uitgeefkunde 286
Understanding And Influencing Decisions In Business And Society 1
Universitaire Pabo 12
Value based marketing 1
Verbintenissenrecht Begrepen 1
Vervolgopleiding Kinderverpleegkundige 3
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 3
VU Minor - Sustainability: Global Challenges, Inte 1
VU University Amsterdam - FEWEB 2.5 1
Web Analytics 1
Wijsbegeerte 2
Wiskunde 1
Work and Organizational Psychology 15
Latest notes & summaries Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7283266/67b370c3c3a39_7283266_121_171.jpeg)
This is a summary of all the articles of the Digital Marketing & Metrics exam(Pre-Master Marketing).
- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•E_EBE3_DMM
Preview 3 out of 18 pages
This is a summary of all the articles of the Digital Marketing & Metrics exam(Pre-Master Marketing).
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7283256/67b370c12ad20_7283256_121_171.jpeg)
This is a summary of all the lectures of the course digital marketing & metrics (Pre-Master Marketing).
- Summary
- • 109 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•E_EBE3_DMM
Preview 4 out of 109 pages
This is a summary of all the lectures of the course digital marketing & metrics (Pre-Master Marketing).
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7283204/67b36f6b0537a_7283204_121_171.jpeg)
This is a summary of the all lectures of the course Quantitative Research Methods (Pre-Master Marketing).
- Summary
- • 69 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•E_PM_QUANRM
Preview 4 out of 69 pages
This is a summary of the all lectures of the course Quantitative Research Methods (Pre-Master Marketing).
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7260950/67af37128e2ec_7260950_121_171.jpeg)
Alle belangrijke stof voor het tentamen interpersoonlijke communicatie aan de VU
- Summary
- • 101 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Interpersoonlijke communicatie
Preview 4 out of 101 pages
Alle belangrijke stof voor het tentamen interpersoonlijke communicatie aan de VU
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7260022/67af194cc7fb9_7260022_121_171.jpeg)
Public Health Nutrition is a course of the Master Health Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In this document, all lectures together with the provided knowledge clips are summarised. With the use of this information I personally passed by exam with an 7,6 at the first attempt.
- Summary
- • 50 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Public Health Nutrition
Preview 4 out of 50 pages
Public Health Nutrition is a course of the Master Health Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In this document, all lectures together with the provided knowledge clips are summarised. With the use of this information I personally passed by exam with an 7,6 at the first attempt.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7246173/67ad0b9826a3f_7246173_121_171.jpeg)
This is a summary of the course Psychopharmacology for Bachelor Psychology (3rd year, VU). I follow the Dutch track, but studied and took the exam in English. It is very organized and everything is explained in an easy way. I got a 9.3 and studied 2 days before the exam.
- Summary
- • 59 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Psychofarmacologie
Preview 4 out of 59 pages
This is a summary of the course Psychopharmacology for Bachelor Psychology (3rd year, VU). I follow the Dutch track, but studied and took the exam in English. It is very organized and everything is explained in an easy way. I got a 9.3 and studied 2 days before the exam.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7242876/67acb6c097eb1_7242876_121_171.jpeg)
Cijfer: 8,5. 
Allesomvattende samenvatting van Bryman's boek Social Research Methods inclusief de aantekeningen van zowel de colleges als de kennisclips. Behaalde cijfer na het gebruiken van dit document is een 8,5!
- Book
- Summary
- • 35 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Social Research Methodology
Bryman\'s Social Research Methods • Tom Clark, Liam Foster• ISBN 9780198796053
Preview 4 out of 35 pages
Cijfer: 8,5. 
Allesomvattende samenvatting van Bryman's boek Social Research Methods inclusief de aantekeningen van zowel de colleges als de kennisclips. Behaalde cijfer na het gebruiken van dit document is een 8,5!
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7221836/67a9f548c93b9_7221836_121_171.jpeg)
This is a summary of week 1-7 for the course Biological and Cognitive Psychology from VU. It contains all learning goals worked-out as prepared by the course itself, based on the the Physiology of Behaviour, GE by Carlson and Birkett (13th ed), the course syllabus about cognitive psychology, and my own lecture notes. This 45-page summary contains everything you need to know. Studying this summary got me a grade of 9.6!
- Book
- Summary
- • 45 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Biologische & Cognitieve Psychologie
Physiology of Behavior, GE • Neil Carlson, Melissa Birkett• ISBN 9781292430287
Preview 4 out of 45 pages
This is a summary of week 1-7 for the course Biological and Cognitive Psychology from VU. It contains all learning goals worked-out as prepared by the course itself, based on the the Physiology of Behaviour, GE by Carlson and Birkett (13th ed), the course syllabus about cognitive psychology, and my own lecture notes. This 45-page summary contains everything you need to know. Studying this summary got me a grade of 9.6!
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7216315/67a8f5d3d7210_7216315_121_171.jpeg)
There are class notes and a summary of lectures—also some practice questions for the exam.
- Summary
- • 68 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•Psychopharmacology
Preview 4 out of 68 pages
There are class notes and a summary of lectures—also some practice questions for the exam.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7216123/67a8eff4e471c_7216123_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. Rethinking Conflict Transformation from a Human Rights Perspective (Michelle Parlevliet) 
2. Social Identity Complexity and a Politics of Forgiveness among Black and White South Africans (Dion A. Forster) 
3. The Afterlife of Apartheid: A Triadic Temporality of Trauma (Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela) 
This document covers key insights on conflict transformation, human rights, and post-apartheid trauma: 
1. Explores the link between human rights and confli...
- Summary
- • 14 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Preview 2 out of 14 pages
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. Rethinking Conflict Transformation from a Human Rights Perspective (Michelle Parlevliet) 
2. Social Identity Complexity and a Politics of Forgiveness among Black and White South Africans (Dion A. Forster) 
3. The Afterlife of Apartheid: A Triadic Temporality of Trauma (Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela) 
This document covers key insights on conflict transformation, human rights, and post-apartheid trauma: 
1. Explores the link between human rights and confli...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7216097/67a8ef051c7e8_7216097_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of the following literature: 
1. Donor-Driven Justice and its Discontents: Rwanda (Barbara Oomen) 
- Examines how international donors shaped Rwanda’s post-genocide justice system, including the ICTR and Gacaca courts 
- Analyzes the risks of external influence, including inefficiencies, political manipulation, and "victor’s justice" 
- Explores how the Rwandan government used justice mechanisms to consolidate power and suppress dissent 
- Discusses the limits of legal ...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 4 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Full Literature, Class and Exam Notes for Peace and Conflict Studies (S_CPB)• By kanayadyarataqiiya
Preview 1 out of 4 pages
Summary of the following literature: 
1. Donor-Driven Justice and its Discontents: Rwanda (Barbara Oomen) 
- Examines how international donors shaped Rwanda’s post-genocide justice system, including the ICTR and Gacaca courts 
- Analyzes the risks of external influence, including inefficiencies, political manipulation, and "victor’s justice" 
- Explores how the Rwandan government used justice mechanisms to consolidate power and suppress dissent 
- Discusses the limits of legal ...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7216089/67a8eec819887_7216089_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of the following literature: 
1. The ICC, Uganda and the LRA: Re-Framing the Debate (Janine Natalya Clark) 
- Analyzes the ICC’s role in Uganda’s conflict with the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and its impact on peace efforts 
- Examines debates on justice vs. peace, ICC indictments, and Uganda’s Amnesty Act 
- Explores tensions between international criminal justice and Acholi traditional justice mechanisms like mato oput 
- Discusses whether the ICC should withdraw arres...
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- • 4 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Full Literature, Class and Exam Notes for Peace and Conflict Studies (S_CPB)• By kanayadyarataqiiya
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Summary of the following literature: 
1. The ICC, Uganda and the LRA: Re-Framing the Debate (Janine Natalya Clark) 
- Analyzes the ICC’s role in Uganda’s conflict with the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and its impact on peace efforts 
- Examines debates on justice vs. peace, ICC indictments, and Uganda’s Amnesty Act 
- Explores tensions between international criminal justice and Acholi traditional justice mechanisms like mato oput 
- Discusses whether the ICC should withdraw arres...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7216082/67a8ee50f3d2b_7216082_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. Beyond the purview of of International Criminal Judgments (Barrie Sander, 2021) 
- Examines the limitations of international criminal courts in addressing systemic causes of mass atrocities 
- Analyzes overlooked factors like structural violence, slow violence, and the role of colonialism and financial institutions 
- Explores international interventions, peacekeeping failures, and the marginalization of bystanders and resistors 
- Discusses the...
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- • 6 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Full Literature, Class and Exam Notes for Peace and Conflict Studies (S_CPB)• By kanayadyarataqiiya
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. Beyond the purview of of International Criminal Judgments (Barrie Sander, 2021) 
- Examines the limitations of international criminal courts in addressing systemic causes of mass atrocities 
- Analyzes overlooked factors like structural violence, slow violence, and the role of colonialism and financial institutions 
- Explores international interventions, peacekeeping failures, and the marginalization of bystanders and resistors 
- Discusses the...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7216067/67a8ee14a11dc_7216067_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. What's to come is more complicated: feminist visions of peace in Colombia (Paarlberg-Kvam, K., 2019) 
2. Decolonial and Intercultural Peace(s) for Building Peace in Colombia (Vásquez-Arenas, 2018) 
- Examines feminist visions of peace in Colombia, challenging militarism, patriarchy, and neoliberalism 
- Analyzes women’s peace networks, including Movimiento Social de Mujeres, Ruta Pacífica, and Red de Mujeres del Caribe 
- Explores themes of...
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- • 7 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Full Literature, Class and Exam Notes for Peace and Conflict Studies (S_CPB)• By kanayadyarataqiiya
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Summary of the following literatures: 
1. What's to come is more complicated: feminist visions of peace in Colombia (Paarlberg-Kvam, K., 2019) 
2. Decolonial and Intercultural Peace(s) for Building Peace in Colombia (Vásquez-Arenas, 2018) 
- Examines feminist visions of peace in Colombia, challenging militarism, patriarchy, and neoliberalism 
- Analyzes women’s peace networks, including Movimiento Social de Mujeres, Ruta Pacífica, and Red de Mujeres del Caribe 
- Explores themes of...
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Summary of the following literatures: 
1. Doing Things Differently: Mediating in Mozambique (Turner, C. & J. Palmiano-Federer, 2024) 
2. Mozambique: A Classic Case of Mediation in Modern Times (Sanghrajka, N., 2024) 
- Examines Mozambique’s peace process from 1992 to 2024, culminating in the Maputo Accord 
- Analyzes mediation strategies, including peace listening, trust-building, and progressive implementation 
- Highlights key actors, DDR efforts, and the role of local vs. internationa...
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- • 8 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Full Literature, Class and Exam Notes for Peace and Conflict Studies (S_CPB)• By kanayadyarataqiiya
Preview 2 out of 8 pages
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. Doing Things Differently: Mediating in Mozambique (Turner, C. & J. Palmiano-Federer, 2024) 
2. Mozambique: A Classic Case of Mediation in Modern Times (Sanghrajka, N., 2024) 
- Examines Mozambique’s peace process from 1992 to 2024, culminating in the Maputo Accord 
- Analyzes mediation strategies, including peace listening, trust-building, and progressive implementation 
- Highlights key actors, DDR efforts, and the role of local vs. internationa...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7216045/67a8ed26151e2_7216045_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. The cross-generational transmission of trauma: ritual and emotion among survivors of the Holocaust, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (Jacobs, J., 2011) 
2. Closing a gap in conflict transformation: Understanding collective and transgenerational trauma (König, U. & Reimann, C., 2018) 
- Examines how trauma is passed across generations in conflict-affected societies 
- Explores religious nationalism, identity formation, and collective memory in su...
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- • 18 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Full Literature, Class and Exam Notes for Peace and Conflict Studies (S_CPB)• By kanayadyarataqiiya
Preview 3 out of 18 pages
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. The cross-generational transmission of trauma: ritual and emotion among survivors of the Holocaust, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (Jacobs, J., 2011) 
2. Closing a gap in conflict transformation: Understanding collective and transgenerational trauma (König, U. & Reimann, C., 2018) 
- Examines how trauma is passed across generations in conflict-affected societies 
- Explores religious nationalism, identity formation, and collective memory in su...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7216036/67a8ecac2b796_7216036_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. Communal Violence in Myanmar (Chessmann, 2017) 
2. Reconciliation contradictions: Buddhist-Muslim violence, narrative-making & memory in Myanmar (Matt Schissler, Matthew J. Walton and Phyu Phyu Thi) 
- Examines communal violence in Myanmar (2012–2014), focusing on anti-Muslim sentiment, state involvement, and media influence 
- Analyzes Buddhist nationalism, the role of MaBaTha, and the construction of the Rohingya as the "fearsome Other" 
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- • 10 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Full Literature, Class and Exam Notes for Peace and Conflict Studies (S_CPB)• By kanayadyarataqiiya
Preview 2 out of 10 pages
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. Communal Violence in Myanmar (Chessmann, 2017) 
2. Reconciliation contradictions: Buddhist-Muslim violence, narrative-making & memory in Myanmar (Matt Schissler, Matthew J. Walton and Phyu Phyu Thi) 
- Examines communal violence in Myanmar (2012–2014), focusing on anti-Muslim sentiment, state involvement, and media influence 
- Analyzes Buddhist nationalism, the role of MaBaTha, and the construction of the Rohingya as the "fearsome Other" 
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Summary of the following literatures: 
1. Intersectional what? Social divisions, intersectionality and levels of analysis (Anthias F., 2013) 
2. Ethnic Identity, National Identity, and Intergroup Conflict (Eriksen, T. H., 2001) 
3. The "Wages of Burman-ness": Ethnicity and Burman Privilege in Contemporary Myanmar (Walton, 2013) 
Conflict and the Construction of Ethnicity in Myanmar – Complete Study Notes 
Essential for students of Peace and Conflict Studies, International Relatio...
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- • 26 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Full Literature, Class and Exam Notes for Peace and Conflict Studies (S_CPB)• By kanayadyarataqiiya
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
Summary of the following literatures: 
1. Intersectional what? Social divisions, intersectionality and levels of analysis (Anthias F., 2013) 
2. Ethnic Identity, National Identity, and Intergroup Conflict (Eriksen, T. H., 2001) 
3. The "Wages of Burman-ness": Ethnicity and Burman Privilege in Contemporary Myanmar (Walton, 2013) 
Conflict and the Construction of Ethnicity in Myanmar – Complete Study Notes 
Essential for students of Peace and Conflict Studies, International Relatio...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7215997/67a8eb44c186c_7215997_121_171.jpeg)
Conflict and Peacebuilding – Sample Questions and Model Answers 
 Essential for Peace and Conflict Studies, International Relations, and Transitional Justice students 
 international criminal proceedings and peacebuilding 
 - ⚖️ accountability and deterrence through ICTR, ICC, and global norms 
 - ️ peace negotiations where ICC arrest warrants act as pressure tactics, such as in the LRA and Juba Talks 
 - ️ victim recognition and reconciliation, balancing justice wit...
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- • 29 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Full Literature, Class and Exam Notes for Peace and Conflict Studies (S_CPB)• By kanayadyarataqiiya
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Conflict and Peacebuilding – Sample Questions and Model Answers 
 Essential for Peace and Conflict Studies, International Relations, and Transitional Justice students 
 international criminal proceedings and peacebuilding 
 - ⚖️ accountability and deterrence through ICTR, ICC, and global norms 
 - ️ peace negotiations where ICC arrest warrants act as pressure tactics, such as in the LRA and Juba Talks 
 - ️ victim recognition and reconciliation, balancing justice wit...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7215990/67a8eacd3821d_7215990_121_171.jpeg)
Essential for Peace & Conflict Studies, International Relations, and Human Rights students! 
* Summary of Key Topics 
 (Post)Conflict & Peacebuilding 
- Conflict vs. Post-Conflict: Ongoing violence vs. fragile peace. 
- Negative vs. Positive Peace: Ceasefire vs. social justice & equity. 
- Peacebuilding Strategies: Governance, reconciliation, economic recovery, and transitional justice. 
 Case Studies: Real-World Applications 
 Rwanda – Rebuilding legal systems, Gacaca courts, ...
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- • 15 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam•S_CPB
Full Literature, Class and Exam Notes for Peace and Conflict Studies (S_CPB)• By kanayadyarataqiiya
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
Essential for Peace & Conflict Studies, International Relations, and Human Rights students! 
* Summary of Key Topics 
 (Post)Conflict & Peacebuilding 
- Conflict vs. Post-Conflict: Ongoing violence vs. fragile peace. 
- Negative vs. Positive Peace: Ceasefire vs. social justice & equity. 
- Peacebuilding Strategies: Governance, reconciliation, economic recovery, and transitional justice. 
 Case Studies: Real-World Applications 
 Rwanda – Rebuilding legal systems, Gacaca courts, ...