Wageningen University (WUR) • MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences
Latest uploads for MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences at Wageningen University (WUR). Looking for MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences notes at Wageningen University (WUR)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences at Wageningen University (WUR).
Courses MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences at Wageningen University (WUR)
Notes available for the following courses of MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences at Wageningen University (WUR)
Advances In Health And Society HSO50301 4
Basic Statistics MAT14303_2020_1 1
Comparative Health Problems And Policies - CHL32306 CHL32306 4
Food, Health and Society: An Integrated Socio-political Perspective RSO33306 3
Management and Economics of Health Care and Public Health BMO-32806 3
Research Methods And Data Analysis In Communication And Health – YRM-30806 YRM30806 2
Science Communication 2.0: Dialogue and Transdisciplinarity CPT38006 2
Social Inequalities in Health HSO-31806 1
Popular books Wageningen University (WUR) • MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences

Joel Best • ISBN 9780393533040
Latest notes & summaries Wageningen University (WUR) • MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences

Summary of the chapter 'The Spatiality of Food Provisioning' (Wiskerke et al., 2018). Part of the assigned reading of the course RSO33306.
- Summary
- • 5 pages's •
Wageningen University•Food, Health and Society: An Integrated Socio-political Perspective
Preview 2 out of 5 pages
Summary of the chapter 'The Spatiality of Food Provisioning' (Wiskerke et al., 2018). Part of the assigned reading of the course RSO33306.

Summary of “Consumers and Healthcare: The Reluctant Consumer” (Schwarz, 2015). Part of the literature for the course BMO-32806.
- Summary
- • 7 pages's •
Wageningen University•Management And Economics Of Health Care And Public Health
Preview 2 out of 7 pages
Summary of “Consumers and Healthcare: The Reluctant Consumer” (Schwarz, 2015). Part of the literature for the course BMO-32806.

Samenvatting van het artikel 'The use of external change agents to 
promote quality improvement and 
organizational change in healthcare 
organizations: a systematic review' (Alagoz et al., 2018). Onderdeel van de literatuur voor het vak BMO-32806.
- Summary
- • 3 pages's •
Wageningen University•Management And Economics Of Health Care And Public Health
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
Samenvatting van het artikel 'The use of external change agents to 
promote quality improvement and 
organizational change in healthcare 
organizations: a systematic review' (Alagoz et al., 2018). Onderdeel van de literatuur voor het vak BMO-32806.

Samenvatting van het artikel 'Decision-making in healthcare as a complex 
adaptive system' (Kuziemsky, 2016). Onderdeel van de literatuur voor het vak BMO-32806.
- Summary
- • 3 pages's •
Wageningen University•Management and Economics of Health Care and Public Health
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
Samenvatting van het artikel 'Decision-making in healthcare as a complex 
adaptive system' (Kuziemsky, 2016). Onderdeel van de literatuur voor het vak BMO-32806.

It also provides parts written in Dutch
- Book
- Class notes
- • 37 pages's •
Wageningen University•Basic Statistics
An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis • Micheal Longnecker, R. Lyman Ott• ISBN 9781305269477
Preview 4 out of 37 pages
It also provides parts written in Dutch

This document contains a summary of: 
- Field, A. Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics (4th edition), chapter 8, 17 en 18. 
- Royce Sadler, D. (2002). Chapter 6: Intuitive data processing as a potential source of bias in Naturalistic Evaluation. In Huberman, M., & Miles, M. B. (Eds), The qualitative researcher's companion. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Pages 123 –135. 
- Miles, M.B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2013). Chapter 4: Fundamentals of qualitative data analysis. Qualitative ...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Wageningen University•Research Methods And Data Analysis In Communication And Health – YRM-30806
Exam bundle - Research Methods and Data Analysis - YRM30806• By ellemijn_ciw_asw
Preview 3 out of 18 pages
This document contains a summary of: 
- Field, A. Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics (4th edition), chapter 8, 17 en 18. 
- Royce Sadler, D. (2002). Chapter 6: Intuitive data processing as a potential source of bias in Naturalistic Evaluation. In Huberman, M., & Miles, M. B. (Eds), The qualitative researcher's companion. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Pages 123 –135. 
- Miles, M.B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2013). Chapter 4: Fundamentals of qualitative data analysis. Qualitative ...

Lectures week 1-5
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 19 pages's •
Wageningen University•Research Methods And Data Analysis In Communication And Health – YRM-30806
Exam bundle - Research Methods and Data Analysis - YRM30806• By ellemijn_ciw_asw
Preview 3 out of 19 pages
Lectures week 1-5

All of the six colleges on the Wednesdays.
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 25 pages's •
Wageningen University•Comparative Health Problems And Policies - CHL32306
Exam bundle for Comparative Health Problems and Policies - CHL32306• By ellemijn_ciw_asw
Preview 3 out of 25 pages
All of the six colleges on the Wednesdays.

This summary contains summaries of the articles:
- Chapter 1– Best, J. (2013) Social Problems.
- Chapter 2– Best, J. (2013) Social Problems.
- Goodley, D. (2016). Disability studies: An interdisciplinary introduction. Sage. Chapter 1
- Chapter 4 – Best, J. (2013) Social Problems.
Batstra, L., Nieweg, E. H., & Hadders, Algra, M. (2014). Exploring five common assumptions on Attention Deficit HyperactivityD isorder. Acta Paediatrica, 103(7), 696-700.
- Faulkner, A. (2017). Survivor research a...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 23 pages's •
Wageningen University•Comparative Health Problems And Policies - CHL32306
Exam bundle for Comparative Health Problems and Policies - CHL32306• By ellemijn_ciw_asw
Preview 1 out of 23 pages
This summary contains summaries of the articles:
- Chapter 1– Best, J. (2013) Social Problems.
- Chapter 2– Best, J. (2013) Social Problems.
- Goodley, D. (2016). Disability studies: An interdisciplinary introduction. Sage. Chapter 1
- Chapter 4 – Best, J. (2013) Social Problems.
Batstra, L., Nieweg, E. H., & Hadders, Algra, M. (2014). Exploring five common assumptions on Attention Deficit HyperactivityD isorder. Acta Paediatrica, 103(7), 696-700.
- Faulkner, A. (2017). Survivor research a...