Wageningen University (WUR)
¿Busca notas de estudio en Wageningen University (WUR)? En Stuvia encontrará más de [*DOCUMENTOS*] resúmenes, notas de estudio y otros recursos de estudio para todos los cursos en Wageningen University (WUR).
Cursos @ Wageningen University (WUR)
Notas disponibles para los siguientes cursos en Wageningen University (WUR)
Libros populares Wageningen University (WUR)
Las notas están disponibles para estos manuales populares en Wageningen University (WUR)

Bruce Alberts, Karen Hopkins • ISBN 9780393680393

Stronks, Karien • ISBN 9789036826235

University Anthony J F Griffiths, University Susan R Wessler • ISBN 9781464109485

Bert Hedeman, Gabor Vis van Heemst • ISBN 9789401802772

A.M.M. Blommaert, J.M.J Blommeart • ISBN 9789001867232

A. Haveman-Nies • ISBN 9789086863051

Dustin Rubenstein, John Alcock • ISBN 9781605358949

R.Lyman Ott, Micheal Longnecker • ISBN 9780495109143

Miles Hewstone, Wolfgang Stroebe • ISBN 9781119486268

ISBN 9789086860012

Robert Frank, Edward Cartwright • ISBN 9781526847843

Micheal Longnecker, R. Lyman Ott • ISBN 9781305269477

Peter Atrill, Eddie Mclaney • ISBN 9781292244013

Mel Bartley • ISBN 9780745691107

Dee Unglaub Silverthorn • ISBN 9781447965923

P. L. Senger • ISBN 9780965764827

Daniel King, Scott Lawley • ISBN 9780199603091

Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes • ISBN 9781292209067

Max H. Bazerman, Don A. Moore • ISBN 9781118065709

David de Vaus • ISBN 9780761953470

Josée Johnston, Kate Cairns • ISBN 9781138023383
Estudios @ Wageningen University (WUR)
Notas disponibles para los estudios siguiente en Wageningen University (WUR)
Advanced Management and Marketing 2
Advanced Statistics 1
Agrarian History 1
Agrotechnologie 1
Animal science 29
Animal Sciences or Biology 2
Animal Sciences/ Dierwetenschappen 62
Applied Communication Science 1
Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management 9
B1-K1-W10 Evalueert en legt de verpleegkundige zor 1
Bachelor Gezondheid en Maatschappij 45
Bachelor Voeding en Gezondheid 69
BBI 15
Bedrijfs En Consumentenwetenschappen/ MME/ MFQ/ 20
Bedrijfs- en Consumentenwetenschappen 302
Bioinformatics 2
Biologie 59
Biologie / Plantenwetenschappen / Plant Sciences 17
Biology 33
Bionanotechnology: nanomedicine 1
Biotechnologie 58
Biotechnology 4
Bodem, Water, Atmosfeer 17
Bos en Natuurbeheer 9
BSc / MSc 1
Bsc Health and Society 3
BSc tourism 10
BTO Tourism 1
Business- and Consumerstudies 1
Communicatie 2
Communicatie en life sciences 11
Communicatie En Life Sciences En Internationale Ontwikkelingsstudies 1
Communicatiewetenschappen 8
Communication And Life Sciences 4
Communication, Health And Life Sciences 14
Criminology Unit 1 AC1 1
Dierwetenschappen 78
Earth And Environment 3
Economie en Beleid 33
Environmental Sciences 53
Food Quality Managment 2
Food related allergies and intolerances 1
Food Safety 25
Food science 1
Food Technology 81
Forest and Nature Conservation 3
Geo-Information Science 1
Geo-information sciences 1
Gezondheid en maatschappij 1
Gezondheidswetenschappen 55
Health and Society 3
Internationaal land en water management 22
International Development Studies 5
Internationale ontwikkelingsstudies 16
Landscape Architecture And Planning 7
Landschapsarchitectuur en Ruimtelijke Planning 15
Levensmiddelentechnologie 51
Management, Economics and Consumer Studies 83
Marine sciences 2
Master Animal Sciences 9
Master food safety 3
Master Food Technology 66
Mastertrack Entrepreneurship 4
Medical biotechnology 1
Meerdere studies toepasbaar 1
Minor Consumer Behaviour 5
Minor Healthy Ageing 1
Moleculaire Levenswetenschappen 29
Molecular Life Sciences 2
Msc Animal Sciences 3
Msc Biology 13
Msc Biotechnology 25
MSc Communication, Health And Life Sciences 20
MSc Food Safety 10
MSc Forest and Nature Conservation 2
MSc Health And Society 7
MSc Management, Economics And Consumer Studies 7
MSc MME Management, Economics And Consumer Studies 29
Msc Nutrition and Health 90
MSc Plant Science 1
MSc Tourism, Society And Environment 3
Nutrition and Health / Voeding en Gezondheid 91
Ocean Governance 2
Online master - Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health 5
Organic Agriculture 2
Plant Biotechnology 21
Principles of Biobased Sciences 1
Psychobiology of eating behaviour 5
Urban Environmental Management 5
Voeding en gezondheid 101
Wageningen University 1
Últimos notas y resúmenes Wageningen University (WUR)

In this document, you’ll find all the relevant slides along with my notes. I often used bullet points to keep things clear and organized. You can use these notes during the exam. They really helped me pass!
- Notas de lectura
- • 106 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Analytical Epidemiology II
Vista previa 4 fuera de 106 páginas
In this document, you’ll find all the relevant slides along with my notes. I often used bullet points to keep things clear and organized. You can use these notes during the exam. They really helped me pass!

In this document, you’ll find all the relevant slides along with my notes. I often used bullet points to keep things clear and organized. You can use these notes during the exam. They really helped me pass!
- Notas de lectura
- • 100 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Analytical Epidemiology II
Vista previa 4 fuera de 100 páginas
In this document, you’ll find all the relevant slides along with my notes. I often used bullet points to keep things clear and organized. You can use these notes during the exam. They really helped me pass!

English summary of all lectures from the course PEN30806 Restoration Ecology. The summary is as visual as possible, to help getting to know the theory as good as possible.
- Resumen
- • 61 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Restoration Ecology
Vista previa 4 fuera de 61 páginas
English summary of all lectures from the course PEN30806 Restoration Ecology. The summary is as visual as possible, to help getting to know the theory as good as possible.

Samenvatting van de lecture notes inclusief verduidelijkende afbeeldingen met schema's en voorbeeld opgaven. Geschreven in Engels.
- Notas de lectura
- • 53 páginas's •
Wageningen University•BEC22806
Vista previa 4 fuera de 53 páginas
Samenvatting van de lecture notes inclusief verduidelijkende afbeeldingen met schema's en voorbeeld opgaven. Geschreven in Engels.

Complete samenvatting van alle lectures in het Engels. Heb zelf een 9 gehaald voor het vak.
- Book
- Notas de lectura
- • 54 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Advanced marketing and management
Fundamentals of Strategy • Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington• ISBN 9781292017211
Vista previa 4 fuera de 54 páginas
Complete samenvatting van alle lectures in het Engels. Heb zelf een 9 gehaald voor het vak.

Tutorial Chapter 5 Exergy Analysis and Phase Changes including analysis of an evaporator, analysis of a conveyor dryer, spray dryer I, spray dryer II, downstream processing of bioethanol, exergy analysis of a drum dryer. 
I put so much effort in this tutorial, it's include complete calculation with step by step.
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 22 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing
Questions and Answers Full Tutorial 1-6• Por suhartinilp
Vista previa 1 fuera de 22 páginas
Tutorial Chapter 5 Exergy Analysis and Phase Changes including analysis of an evaporator, analysis of a conveyor dryer, spray dryer I, spray dryer II, downstream processing of bioethanol, exergy analysis of a drum dryer. 
I put so much effort in this tutorial, it's include complete calculation with step by step.

Tutorial Chapter 4 Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing including pasteurization, heat exchanger, ice cream, cooking at home, high pressure homogenizer, efficiency of lamps, the exergy of nitrogen gas, pressure exergy, mixtures, grassman diagram, steam and water, exergy of ethanol vapors, and exergy of soy
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 17 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing
Questions and Answers Full Tutorial 1-6• Por suhartinilp
Vista previa 1 fuera de 17 páginas
Tutorial Chapter 4 Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing including pasteurization, heat exchanger, ice cream, cooking at home, high pressure homogenizer, efficiency of lamps, the exergy of nitrogen gas, pressure exergy, mixtures, grassman diagram, steam and water, exergy of ethanol vapors, and exergy of soy

Tutorial Chapter 3 Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing including a process system, drying with zeolites, a process system II, heat exchange between biorefinery streams, disadvantages of working in a paperless office
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 17 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing
Questions and Answers Full Tutorial 1-6• Por suhartinilp
Vista previa 2 fuera de 17 páginas
Tutorial Chapter 3 Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing including a process system, drying with zeolites, a process system II, heat exchange between biorefinery streams, disadvantages of working in a paperless office

Tutorial Chapter 1 Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing including a micro microalgae system, risk management, project portfolio, duration of roi, risk assessment
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 5 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing
Questions and Answers Full Tutorial 1-6• Por suhartinilp
Vista previa 1 fuera de 5 páginas
Tutorial Chapter 1 Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing including a micro microalgae system, risk management, project portfolio, duration of roi, risk assessment

Tutorial Chapter 6 Sustainability in Food and Bioprocessing incuding Heating of milk, Optimising a reaction, Pooling streams, Ultrafiltration, New oil, Meat replacers and beef
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 6 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing
Questions and Answers Full Tutorial 1-6• Por suhartinilp
Vista previa 1 fuera de 6 páginas
Tutorial Chapter 6 Sustainability in Food and Bioprocessing incuding Heating of milk, Optimising a reaction, Pooling streams, Ultrafiltration, New oil, Meat replacers and beef

Pinch and Exergy Exam Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing, complete with the calculations
- Examen
- • 12 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing
Vista previa 1 fuera de 12 páginas
Pinch and Exergy Exam Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing, complete with the calculations

Tutorial Chapter 2 Mass and Heat Flow including sustainable blanching, comparing energy efficiencies, producof a soy protein, energy balance, bioethanol, sankey
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 13 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Sustainable Food and Bioprocessing
Questions and Answers Full Tutorial 1-6• Por suhartinilp
Vista previa 1 fuera de 13 páginas
Tutorial Chapter 2 Mass and Heat Flow including sustainable blanching, comparing energy efficiencies, producof a soy protein, energy balance, bioethanol, sankey

Summary of the course Water 1. All lectures, videos and theory is described and is complete. Covers information including: rainfall-runoff processes, hydrograph, layers and soil properties, groundwater, isohypses, equipotential lines, flow patterns, flow magnitude, residence time and ecology.
- Notas de lectura
- • 45 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Water 1
Vista previa 4 fuera de 45 páginas
Summary of the course Water 1. All lectures, videos and theory is described and is complete. Covers information including: rainfall-runoff processes, hydrograph, layers and soil properties, groundwater, isohypses, equipotential lines, flow patterns, flow magnitude, residence time and ecology.

Summary of seed science and technology 2024/2025. A part of the book is summarized.
- Resumen
- • 47 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Seed science and technology
Vista previa 4 fuera de 47 páginas
Summary of seed science and technology 2024/2025. A part of the book is summarized.

This is a compact (20 pag.) summary for plant biotechnology Wageningen University. I've added 87 common test bank questions and answers from all chapters and lectures.
- Book
- Resumen
- • 32 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Summary Plant Biotechnology Wageningen 2024
Plant Biotechnology • • ISBN 9781682867150
Vista previa 4 fuera de 32 páginas
This is a compact (20 pag.) summary for plant biotechnology Wageningen University. I've added 87 common test bank questions and answers from all chapters and lectures.

Essential Research Methodology Notes – Clear, Detailed, and Practical 
This document provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand overview of key research methodology concepts, ideal for students and researchers. It covers essential topics like: 
- Information Literacy: Effective search strategies using Boolean operators and database tools like Scopus and PubMed. 
- Anthropometry: Measurements such as BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat percentage. 
- Body Composition Analysis: ...
- Notas de lectura
- • 131 páginas's •
Wageningen University•HNH 24306 Nutrition Research Methodologies
Vista previa 4 fuera de 131 páginas
Essential Research Methodology Notes – Clear, Detailed, and Practical 
This document provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand overview of key research methodology concepts, ideal for students and researchers. It covers essential topics like: 
- Information Literacy: Effective search strategies using Boolean operators and database tools like Scopus and PubMed. 
- Anthropometry: Measurements such as BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat percentage. 
- Body Composition Analysis: ...

Summary of all lectures for GRS20806 Geo-information tools. The summary has been made as visual as possible and contains all important information from the lectures. Will help for 25 - 50% of the exam, rest of exam will be application.
- Resumen
- • 31 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Geo-information tools
Vista previa 4 fuera de 31 páginas
Summary of all lectures for GRS20806 Geo-information tools. The summary has been made as visual as possible and contains all important information from the lectures. Will help for 25 - 50% of the exam, rest of exam will be application.

Summary for the course WEC32806 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. The summary contains all given lectures, some additional information from the exam material, and questions + answers from the first two practice exams. 
Samenvatting van de course WEC32806 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. De samenvatting bevat alle colleges, extra informatie uit het examen materiaal en vragen + antwoorden van de eerste twee oefenexamens.
- Resumen
- • 84 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
Vista previa 4 fuera de 84 páginas
Summary for the course WEC32806 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. The summary contains all given lectures, some additional information from the exam material, and questions + answers from the first two practice exams. 
Samenvatting van de course WEC32806 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. De samenvatting bevat alle colleges, extra informatie uit het examen materiaal en vragen + antwoorden van de eerste twee oefenexamens.

Samenvatting Nutrition Research Methodologies (HNH24306)
- Book
- Resumen
- • 66 páginas's •
Wageningen University•HNH 24306 Nutrition Research Methodologies
Nutrition Research Methodologies • Julie A. Lovegrove• ISBN 9781118554678
Vista previa 4 fuera de 66 páginas
Samenvatting Nutrition Research Methodologies (HNH24306)

Glossary Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health (HNH24806) with color code
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Resumen
- • 27 páginas's •
Wageningen University•Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health
Essential Epidemiology • Penny Webb, Chris Bain• ISBN 9781107529151
Introduction to epidemiology and publuc health (HNH24806)• Por SmartBites
Vista previa 3 fuera de 27 páginas
Glossary Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health (HNH24806) with color code