OCR • Chemistry A
Derniers ajouts au Chemistry A @ OCR. Vous cherchez des notes Chemistry A à OCR ? Nous avons beaucoup de notes, de guides d'étude et de notes d'étude disponibles pour Chemistry A à OCR.
Cours Chemistry A @ OCR
Notes disponibles pour les cours suivants de Chemistry A à OCR
A2 Unit F324 - Rings, Polymers and Analysis
A2 Unit F325 - Equilibria, Energetics and Elements
A2 Unit F326 - Practical Skills in Chemistry
AS Unit F321 - Atoms, Bonds and Groups
AS Unit F322 - Chains, Energy and Resources
AS Unit F323 - Practical Skills in Chemistry 1
Livres bien-aimés OCR • Chemistry A

Rob Richie, Dave Gent • ISBN 9780198351962
Dernières notes et résumés OCR • Chemistry A

Detailed notes on chapter 28 of the ocr chemistry textbook - organic synthesis
- Book
- Resume
- • 5 pages's •
OCR•Carbonyls and Carboxylic acids
A Level Chemistry for OCR A Revision Guide • Rob Ritchie, Emma Poole• ISBN 9780198351993
Aperçu 2 sur 5 pages
Detailed notes on chapter 28 of the ocr chemistry textbook - organic synthesis

Detailed notes made using the OCR A level chemistry textbook, covering chapters 26 i.e. carbonyls and carboxylic acids
- Book
- Resume
- • 20 pages's •
OCR•Carbonyls and Carboxylic acids
A-Level Chemistry for OCR A • • ISBN 9781789086683
Aperçu 2 sur 20 pages
Detailed notes made using the OCR A level chemistry textbook, covering chapters 26 i.e. carbonyls and carboxylic acids

Detailed notes on NMR made using the OCR A, A level chemistry textbook. Chapter 27
- Resume
- • 12 pages's •
OCR•NMR and Spectroscopy
Aperçu 2 sur 12 pages
Detailed notes on NMR made using the OCR A, A level chemistry textbook. Chapter 27

This is an a level chemistry rates of reaction assignment with questions and answers
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 11 pages's •
OCR•Module 5
A level chemistry module 5 A2 chemistry rates of reaction questions and answers• Par anmreenrashad
Aperçu 2 sur 11 pages
This is an a level chemistry rates of reaction assignment with questions and answers

Carboxylic acids and esters, everything you need to know to secure an A*, 
Written by A* student 
Enquire for more for the rest of the specification, will upload at request
- Notes de cours
- • 3 pages's •
OCR•Organic Chemistry
Aperçu 1 sur 3 pages
Carboxylic acids and esters, everything you need to know to secure an A*, 
Written by A* student 
Enquire for more for the rest of the specification, will upload at request

Detailed notes about atom structure, isotopes, ideal gas equation and oxidation numbers. Also includes definitions for empirical formula, molecular formula, mole, atom economy, titration.
- Book
- Resume
- • 5 pages's •
OCR•AS Unit F321 - Atoms, Bonds and Groups
OCR AS Chemistry student book exam cafe cd-rom • Rob Richie, David Gent• ISBN 9780435691813
Aperçu 2 sur 5 pages
Detailed notes about atom structure, isotopes, ideal gas equation and oxidation numbers. Also includes definitions for empirical formula, molecular formula, mole, atom economy, titration.

Detailed explanation of ionic/covalent/metallic bonding, shapes of molecules and bond angles, polarity and intermolecular forces, hydrogen bonding with diagrams, shapes of molecules practice
- Book
- Resume
- • 7 pages's •
OCR•AS Unit F321 - Atoms, Bonds and Groups
OCR AS Chemistry student book exam cafe cd-rom • Rob Richie, David Gent• ISBN 9780435691813
Aperçu 2 sur 7 pages
Detailed explanation of ionic/covalent/metallic bonding, shapes of molecules and bond angles, polarity and intermolecular forces, hydrogen bonding with diagrams, shapes of molecules practice

electronic structure, ionisation energy, trends in the periodic table, bonding, periodicity, mass spectrometry
- Book
- Resume
- • 6 pages's •
OCR•AS Unit F321 - Atoms, Bonds and Groups
OCR AS Chemistry student book exam cafe cd-rom • Rob Richie, David Gent• ISBN 9780435691813
Aperçu 2 sur 6 pages
electronic structure, ionisation energy, trends in the periodic table, bonding, periodicity, mass spectrometry

Summary table of Transition Metal Complex Ion colour in aqueous solution (ammonia and sodium hydroxide, dropwise and excess) - includes all required compounds as per OCR specification 2023
- Book
- Resume
- • 1 pages's •
OCR•M5 - Physical chemistry and transition elements
A-Level Chemistry for OCR A • • ISBN 9781789086683
Aperçu 1 sur 1 pages
Summary table of Transition Metal Complex Ion colour in aqueous solution (ammonia and sodium hydroxide, dropwise and excess) - includes all required compounds as per OCR specification 2023

These are handwritten flashcards for chemistry made using my class notes and they summarise everything you need to know for reaction rate chapter in Module 3 of chemistry in regards with OCR A specification. These flashcards with sure thrive you to succeed in your Alevel Chemistry exam to achieve A/A*
- Package deal
- Notes de cours
- • 11 pages's •
OCR•Module 3
OCR A chemistry alevel - module 3• Par minizeeshan
Aperçu 1 sur 11 pages
These are handwritten flashcards for chemistry made using my class notes and they summarise everything you need to know for reaction rate chapter in Module 3 of chemistry in regards with OCR A specification. These flashcards with sure thrive you to succeed in your Alevel Chemistry exam to achieve A/A*