Pearson Edexcel • Spanish
Derniers ajouts au Spanish @ Pearson Edexcel. Vous cherchez des notes Spanish à Pearson Edexcel ? Nous avons beaucoup de notes, de guides d'étude et de notes d'étude disponibles pour Spanish à Pearson Edexcel.
Cours Spanish @ Pearson Edexcel
Notes disponibles pour les cours suivants de Spanish à Pearson Edexcel
Dernières notes et résumés Pearson Edexcel • Spanish

A list of hundreds of quotes, organised by character and theme, in the film "Volver".
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- • 4 pages's •
Volver guide• Par charleywopat
Aperçu 1 sur 4 pages
A list of hundreds of quotes, organised by character and theme, in the film "Volver".

A step-by-step tutorial, complete with examples, on how to write an A Level/AS level Spanish essay. Clearly explained in digestible English with the essay in Spanish. 
Sample question: En tu opinión, ¿cuáles son los dos temas más importantes de Como agua para chocolate? ¿Tienen relevancia en la vida moderna?
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- • 4 pages's •
PEARSON•Como Agua Para Chocolate
Volver guide• Par charleywopat
Aperçu 1 sur 4 pages
A step-by-step tutorial, complete with examples, on how to write an A Level/AS level Spanish essay. Clearly explained in digestible English with the essay in Spanish. 
Sample question: En tu opinión, ¿cuáles son los dos temas más importantes de Como agua para chocolate? ¿Tienen relevancia en la vida moderna?

All the neccessary information needed to pass Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level unit 6 "El papel de las costumbres y las tradiciones", written in English with statistics and facts. 
Included: Exam Advice, Flamenco, Los Corridos, El Día de los Muertos, and the Quinceañera.
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 7 pages's •
PEARSON•El papel de las costumbres y las tradiciones
Edexcel A Level Spanish Tema 1 and 2• Par charleywopat
Aperçu 2 sur 7 pages
All the neccessary information needed to pass Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level unit 6 "El papel de las costumbres y las tradiciones", written in English with statistics and facts. 
Included: Exam Advice, Flamenco, Los Corridos, El Día de los Muertos, and the Quinceañera.

The complete summary of Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level unit 5 "Los medios de comunicación", written in English with statistics and facts.
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 3 pages's •
PEARSON•Los medios de comunicacion en España
Edexcel A Level Spanish Tema 1 and 2• Par charleywopat
Aperçu 1 sur 3 pages
The complete summary of Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level unit 5 "Los medios de comunicación", written in English with statistics and facts.

The complete summary of Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level units 7, 8 and 9, "La inmigración", written in English with statistics and facts.
- Resume
- • 3 pages's •
PEARSON•La inmigración en España
Aperçu 1 sur 3 pages
The complete summary of Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level units 7, 8 and 9, "La inmigración", written in English with statistics and facts.

The complete summary of Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level unit 3 "El impacto turístico en España ", written in English with statistics and facts.
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 2 pages's •
PEARSON•el turismo en España
Edexcel A Level Spanish Tema 1 and 2• Par charleywopat
Aperçu 1 sur 2 pages
The complete summary of Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level unit 3 "El impacto turístico en España ", written in English with statistics and facts.

The complete summary of Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level unit 2 "el mundo laboral", written in English with statistics and facts.
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 2 pages's •
PEARSON•El mundo laboral
Edexcel A Level Spanish Tema 1 and 2• Par charleywopat
Aperçu 1 sur 2 pages
The complete summary of Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level unit 2 "el mundo laboral", written in English with statistics and facts.

The complete summary of Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level unit 1"Los cambios en la estructure familiar", written in English with statistics and facts.
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 3 pages's •
PEARSON•Los cambios en la familia española
Edexcel A Level Spanish Tema 1 and 2• Par charleywopat
Aperçu 1 sur 3 pages
The complete summary of Edexcel/AQA's Spanish AS and A Level unit 1"Los cambios en la estructure familiar", written in English with statistics and facts.

My corrected A* essay for the film Volver, examining "la relación entre el titulo y los principales temas de la película", and covering all the assessment objectives. 
The Spanish used has been corrected by a native speaker.
- Package deal
- Dissertation
- • 2 pages's •
Volver guide• Par charleywopat
Aperçu 1 sur 2 pages
My corrected A* essay for the film Volver, examining "la relación entre el titulo y los principales temas de la película", and covering all the assessment objectives. 
The Spanish used has been corrected by a native speaker.

Highly graded essay on the literature work La Casa de Bernarda Alba at A level.
- Package deal
- Dissertation
- • 2 pages's •
PEARSON•La Casa de Bernarda Alba
La Casa de Bernarda Alba Bundle• Par mariaberruti
Aperçu 1 sur 2 pages
Highly graded essay on the literature work La Casa de Bernarda Alba at A level.