AQA • Classical Civilisation
Latest uploads for Classical Civilisation at AQA. Looking for Classical Civilisation notes at AQA? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Classical Civilisation at AQA.
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Courses Classical Civilisation at AQA
Notes available for the following courses of Classical Civilisation at AQA
Unit 1 CIV1 - An introduction to an aspect of Classical Civilisation 1 5
Unit 2 CIV2 - An introduction to an aspect of Classical Civilisation 2 3
Popular books AQA • Classical Civilisation

Sally Knights • ISBN 9781350015074

Athina Mitropoulos, Tim Morrison • ISBN 9781350021006
Latest notes & summaries AQA • Classical Civilisation

An in depth exploration of the Aeneid from themes to thinking questions this document has every book detailed thoroughly for your exams
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 31 pages's •
AQA•Unit 2 CIV2 - An introduction to an aspect of Classical Civilisation 2
The Aeneid • Virgil, Robert Fagles• ISBN 9780141996332
World of the Hero• By djames2
Preview 4 out of 31 pages
An in depth exploration of the Aeneid from themes to thinking questions this document has every book detailed thoroughly for your exams

An in depth look at the Odyssey with summaries of each chapter, key themes and where they are shown in each book aswell as thinking questions to test yourself on what each book explores
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 25 pages's •
AQA•Unit 1 CIV1 - An introduction to an aspect of Classical Civilisation 1
The Odyssey • Homer• ISBN 9780141192444
World of the Hero• By djames2
Preview 3 out of 25 pages
An in depth look at the Odyssey with summaries of each chapter, key themes and where they are shown in each book aswell as thinking questions to test yourself on what each book explores

This in a reference guide helping you to understand the themes,epithets and motifs of each book from 6-12 as well as language techniques used
- Book
- Summary
- • 7 pages's •
AQA•Unit 2 CIV2 - An introduction to an aspect of Classical Civilisation 2
The Aeneid • Virgil, Robert Fagles• ISBN 9780141996332
Preview 2 out of 7 pages
This in a reference guide helping you to understand the themes,epithets and motifs of each book from 6-12 as well as language techniques used

Providing scholarship for an AQA Classical Civilisation Greek Religion test including scholarship from chapters 1.1-1.6
- Book
- Summary
- • 9 pages's •
AQA•Unit 2 CIV2 - An introduction to an aspect of Classical Civilisation 2
OCR Classical Civilisation A Level Components 31 and 34 • Athina Mitropoulos, Tim Morrison• ISBN 9781350021006
Preview 2 out of 9 pages
Providing scholarship for an AQA Classical Civilisation Greek Religion test including scholarship from chapters 1.1-1.6

Providing a detailed exploration of the poem The Odyssey notes including themes, quotes,literary techniques, plot summaries and more..
- Book
- Summary
- • 24 pages's •
AQA•Unit 1 CIV1 - An introduction to an aspect of Classical Civilisation 1
OCR Classical Civilisation as and A Level Component 11 • Sally Knights• ISBN 9781350015074
Preview 3 out of 24 pages
Providing a detailed exploration of the poem The Odyssey notes including themes, quotes,literary techniques, plot summaries and more..

Analysis of AQA march schemes for the Cicero exam. These notes include any information that can be useful to develop your essays using information directly from past mark schemes, this ensures you are providing information the examiner wants making it easier to mark your essay and therefore easier to gain a higher grade.
I fast tracked Classics and gained an A* and found using the mark schemes very useful as AQA tend to repeat similar questions.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Class notes
- • 5 pages's •
AQA•Unit 1 CIV1 - An introduction to an aspect of Classical Civilisation 1
Selected Works • Marcus Tullius Cicero• ISBN 9780140440997
The Life and Times of Cicero• By ambergr8
Preview 1 out of 5 pages
Analysis of AQA march schemes for the Cicero exam. These notes include any information that can be useful to develop your essays using information directly from past mark schemes, this ensures you are providing information the examiner wants making it easier to mark your essay and therefore easier to gain a higher grade.
I fast tracked Classics and gained an A* and found using the mark schemes very useful as AQA tend to repeat similar questions.

Chronologically ordered notes of the life and times of Cicero. These notes cover the hierarchy of Roman Society, the early life of Cicero, his political career and family life, along with notable events and laws passed at the time, such as the Catiline Conspiracy and the fall of Julius Caesar. 
I fast tracked Classics and gained and A* just using my notes and writing essays so I hope they are useful for you.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Class notes
- • 34 pages's •
AQA•Unit 1 CIV1 - An introduction to an aspect of Classical Civilisation 1
Selected Works • Marcus Tullius Cicero• ISBN 9780140440997
The Life and Times of Cicero• By ambergr8
Preview 4 out of 34 pages
Chronologically ordered notes of the life and times of Cicero. These notes cover the hierarchy of Roman Society, the early life of Cicero, his political career and family life, along with notable events and laws passed at the time, such as the Catiline Conspiracy and the fall of Julius Caesar. 
I fast tracked Classics and gained and A* just using my notes and writing essays so I hope they are useful for you.

Detailed notes on Cicero's Letters that you will need for your AQA classics exam. These notes contain useful quotes that you can use in your essay along with links to events in Rome at the time.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Class notes
- • 9 pages's •
AQA•Unit 1 CIV1 - An introduction to an aspect of Classical Civilisation 1
Selected Works • Marcus Tullius Cicero• ISBN 9780140440997
The Life and Times of Cicero• By ambergr8
Preview 1 out of 9 pages
Detailed notes on Cicero's Letters that you will need for your AQA classics exam. These notes contain useful quotes that you can use in your essay along with links to events in Rome at the time.