PEARSON (PEARSON) • politics
Latest uploads for politics at PEARSON (PEARSON). Looking for politics notes at PEARSON (PEARSON)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for politics at PEARSON (PEARSON).
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Courses politics at PEARSON (PEARSON)
Notes available for the following courses of politics at PEARSON (PEARSON)
All 1
All units 1
America 1
Anarchism 1
British 1
Component 1 - Part 1 UK Politics 6
Component 1: UK Politics 9PL0/01 3
Component 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas 1
Component 2 : Part 1 UK Government 4
Component 2: UK Government 9PL0/02 2
Component 3: Comparative Politics 1
Component 3: Comparative Politics 9PL0/3A 1
Component 3A - USA 9PL0 1
Conservatism 1
Conservatism, Socialism, Liberalism 1
Constitution 9PL0A 1
Core Political Ideas 5
Core political ideas - Conservatism 3
Democracy and Participation 3
Devolution 1
Election Case Studies 1
Electoral System 1
Feminism 1
Government and Politics of the USA 1
Ideologies 1
Nationalism 1
Non core political ideas - Feminism 4
Paper 1 9PL0 1
Paper 1 UK Politics 9PL0 4
Paper 2 UK Government 9PL0 3
Paper 3 - US Politics and Government 1
Paper 3 Politics-Comparative USA 2
Parliament 1
PM & Executive 1
Political Parties 2
Politics Paper 2 UK Government 1
Questions 1
Relationships Between the Branches 1
Socialism 1
The Constitution 2
The Prime Minister and their Executive 1
UK Constitution 2
UK Government 9PL0 5
UK Politics 4
UK Prime Minister and Executive 1
Unit 1 - People and Politics 1
Unit 1: UK politics and ideologies 1
Unit 3 - Key Themes in Political Analysis 4
Unit 3 - US Government and Politics 1
Unit 3, Part 1 Government and Politics of the USA 1
Unit 3: comparative politics 1
US Congress 1
US Constitution GP03 3
US Democracy & Participation 1
US Democracy and Participation 1
US Politics 2
US Presidency 2
US Supreme Court 2
Voting Behaviour and The Media 1
Voting Behaviours and the Media 1
Wider Reading 1
Popular books PEARSON (PEARSON) • politics

John Jefferies • ISBN 9781510471726
Latest notes & summaries PEARSON (PEARSON) • politics

Real-world examples that can (and have been) used in essays about ‘Democracy and Participation’ from the A-level Politics specification.
- Other
- • 33 pages's •
PEARSON•Democracy and Participation
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Real-world examples that can (and have been) used in essays about ‘Democracy and Participation’ from the A-level Politics specification.

A huge document consisting of past exam questions and made up questions that cover the entire specification for ‘Democracy and Participation’ in A-level politics. Includes arguments, counter-arguments and counter-counter arguments, as well as real-world examples. Some are not complete - so there is room to edit and develop the document further, however majority are finished.
- Other
- • 82 pages's •
PEARSON•Democracy and Participation
Preview 4 out of 82 pages
A huge document consisting of past exam questions and made up questions that cover the entire specification for ‘Democracy and Participation’ in A-level politics. Includes arguments, counter-arguments and counter-counter arguments, as well as real-world examples. Some are not complete - so there is room to edit and develop the document further, however majority are finished.

This presentation on the 2024 American Presidential Election is perfect to use as a case study for A-Level Politics. It covers the campaigns of Trump and Harris, the election results and what this means for the relationship between the UK and US.
- Summary
- • 5 pages's •
PEARSON•Wider Reading
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This presentation on the 2024 American Presidential Election is perfect to use as a case study for A-Level Politics. It covers the campaigns of Trump and Harris, the election results and what this means for the relationship between the UK and US.

This document is a very useful tool for revision for A level politics. It outlines key policy areas and how the modern Labour Party links to both the Old Labour party. This comes from unit 2 in the textbook which is all about political parties
- Book
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- • 10 pages's •
PEARSON•Political Parties
Pearson Edexcel A Level UK Government and Politics Sixth Edition • Neil Mcnaughton, Toby Cooper• ISBN 9781398311145
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This document is a very useful tool for revision for A level politics. It outlines key policy areas and how the modern Labour Party links to both the Old Labour party. This comes from unit 2 in the textbook which is all about political parties

This document provides a timeline of key developments in devolution within the UK. It is colour-coded and covers devolution to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It provides specific examples and statistics that can be used for multiple topics across the A-Level course.
- Summary
- • 1 pages's •
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This document provides a timeline of key developments in devolution within the UK. It is colour-coded and covers devolution to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It provides specific examples and statistics that can be used for multiple topics across the A-Level course.

This document is a very useful revision tool for the political ideology of Feminism. It specifically covers the key thinker Kate Millett and her views on human nature, the state, society, and the 'personal is political'. Brief overviews are provided for each topic covered in the document.
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- • 3 pages's •
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
This document is a very useful revision tool for the political ideology of Feminism. It specifically covers the key thinker Kate Millett and her views on human nature, the state, society, and the 'personal is political'. Brief overviews are provided for each topic covered in the document.

This is a summary/set of revision notes about the UK Constitution. It covers: - the functions of the Constitution -the development of the constitution - the nature of the constitution - the sources of the constitution - constitutional reform This is perfect for revision and finding specific examples to use within essays.
- Summary
- • 7 pages's •
PEARSON•The Constitution
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This is a summary/set of revision notes about the UK Constitution. It covers: - the functions of the Constitution -the development of the constitution - the nature of the constitution - the sources of the constitution - constitutional reform This is perfect for revision and finding specific examples to use within essays.

This document gives an overview of the 2019 General Election which can be used as a specific case study/example for A Level Politics essays. It covers the outcome of the election (with specific statistics), the campaigns of political parties, the role of the media, the policies of the Conservative and Labour party, and the wider political context of the election.
- Summary
- • 2 pages's •
PEARSON•Election Case Studies
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This document gives an overview of the 2019 General Election which can be used as a specific case study/example for A Level Politics essays. It covers the outcome of the election (with specific statistics), the campaigns of political parties, the role of the media, the policies of the Conservative and Labour party, and the wider political context of the election.

This document summarises the Prime Minister and their Executive. It covers: - The Structure of the Executive - The Role of the Executive - Ministerial Responsibility - The Cabinets of recent Prime Ministers This is a great tool for revision as it provides a summarised overview of the topic as well as providing specific and recent examples.
- Summary
- • 9 pages's •
PEARSON•The Prime Minister and their Executive
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This document summarises the Prime Minister and their Executive. It covers: - The Structure of the Executive - The Role of the Executive - Ministerial Responsibility - The Cabinets of recent Prime Ministers This is a great tool for revision as it provides a summarised overview of the topic as well as providing specific and recent examples.

Document containing all the key information needed to succeed in edexcel a level politics - paper 3 us government and politics. Contains key cases. Due to the time made, it may be useful to research up to date contemporary examples, which will help you boost your marks. Using this document helped me significantly in using this booklet as a summary of everything I needed to succeed in this course. This allowed me to get an A* in this subject. Contains information on all 6 topics of this paper!
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- Summary
- • 26 pages's •
PEARSON•Paper 3 - US Politics and Government
A Level Edexcel Politics - Paper 1, 2, 3 Summary Revision Notes• Bykalenharrald
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Document containing all the key information needed to succeed in edexcel a level politics - paper 3 us government and politics. Contains key cases. Due to the time made, it may be useful to research up to date contemporary examples, which will help you boost your marks. Using this document helped me significantly in using this booklet as a summary of everything I needed to succeed in this course. This allowed me to get an A* in this subject. Contains information on all 6 topics of this paper!