WJEC • English Literature
Latest uploads for English Literature at WJEC. Looking for English Literature notes at WJEC? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for English Literature at WJEC.
Modules English Literature at WJEC
Notes available for the following courses of English Literature at WJEC
A2 Component 2 - Drama A720U20-1 2
A2 Unit 2 Poetry Post-1900 1
A2 Unit 3 - Poetry Pre-1900 and Unseen Poetry A720U10-1 65
A2 Unit 4 - Shakespeare 1720U4 23
A2 Unit 5 - Prose Study 1720U5 7
AS Unit 1 - Prose and Drama 62
AS Unit 2 - Poetry 1
AS Unit 2 - Poetry Post-1900 89
Chaucer - The Merchant's Tale 1
Chaucer's 'The Merchant's Tale' 4
Drama - Streetcar Named Desire + Duchess of Malfi 1
Drama - The Tempest 1
Drama: Hamlet 2
English Literature Unit 4 1
Essay 1
Hughes and Plath Poetry 1
Jekyll and Hyde 5
King Lear 7
Loot 6
Paradise Lost 1
Poetry 2
POST 1900 1
Pre-1900 and Post-1900 Drama 3
Revenger's Tragedy 5
Revenger's Tragedy 1
The Merchant's Tale 1
Unit 1 - poetry 2
Unit 2 - drama 3
Popular books WJEC • English Literature

Christina Rossetti, Christina G. Rossetti • ISBN 9780486280554

Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt • ISBN 9780140424386

Jean Rhys, A. Smith • ISBN 9780141182858

Lucy Prebble • ISBN 9781408124673

John Donne • ISBN 9780199539062

Philip Larkin • ISBN 9780571097104

Joe Orton, Joe Orton • ISBN 9780413451804

Christopher Marlowe, Martowe • ISBN 9780451531612

Sylvia Plath, T. Hughes • ISBN 9780571135868

Cyril Tourneur, Cyril Tourneur • ISBN 9781408144763

William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare • ISBN 9780141396460

Christopher Marlowe • ISBN 9780719081996
Latest notes & summaries WJEC • English Literature

An exemplar answer for the King Lear extract question in English Lit Unit 4. Earned 93% (42 marks out of 45) and includes my teacher's feedback. Also attached is a copy of the extract including my annotations. I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.
- Book
- Essay
- • 4 pages's •
WJEC•A2 Unit 4 - Shakespeare
King Lear • William Shakespeare, Bauer Books• ISBN 9788835369226
Preview 1 out of 4 pages
An exemplar answer for the King Lear extract question in English Lit Unit 4. Earned 93% (42 marks out of 45) and includes my teacher's feedback. Also attached is a copy of the extract including my annotations. I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.

Full marks exemplar answer for the comparison unseen poetry essay in Unit 3 English Lit. Compares 'Anthem for doomed youth' with 'In a field'. Includes mark scheme and feedback from my teacher. I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.
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- Essay
- • 5 pages's •
WJEC•A2 Unit 3 - Poetry Pre-1900 and Unseen Poetry
Unseen Poetry Comparison Example Essays (WJEC)• By carysaok
Preview 2 out of 5 pages
Full marks exemplar answer for the comparison unseen poetry essay in Unit 3 English Lit. Compares 'Anthem for doomed youth' with 'In a field'. Includes mark scheme and feedback from my teacher. I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.

A practice question for the Unseen Poetry 60 mark comparison question as part of Unit 3 English Lit. Includes my annotations of the poems and the full question in case you'd like to try it yourself before comparing to my answer. Earned 56/60 marks, includes my teacher's feedback. I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.
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- Essay
- • 5 pages's •
WJEC•A2 Unit 3 - Poetry Pre-1900 and Unseen Poetry
Unseen Poetry Comparison Example Essays (WJEC)• By carysaok
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A practice question for the Unseen Poetry 60 mark comparison question as part of Unit 3 English Lit. Includes my annotations of the poems and the full question in case you'd like to try it yourself before comparing to my answer. Earned 56/60 marks, includes my teacher's feedback. I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.

A practice paper including my annotations of the poems in question and full response. Earned 57/60 marks. Unseen poetry comparison question, includes the poems if you want to try the question yourself before comparing with my answer. Includes feedback from my teacher. 
I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.
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- Essay
- • 5 pages's •
WJEC•A2 Unit 3 - Poetry Pre-1900 and Unseen Poetry
Unseen Poetry Comparison Example Essays (WJEC)• By carysaok
Preview 2 out of 5 pages
A practice paper including my annotations of the poems in question and full response. Earned 57/60 marks. Unseen poetry comparison question, includes the poems if you want to try the question yourself before comparing with my answer. Includes feedback from my teacher. 
I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.

A 12/15 answer for the 15 mark question in the Unit 3 English Literature paper. Analysis of Rossetti's 'Sweet Death' with annotated poem and feedback from my teacher. 
I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.
- Book
- Essay
- • 3 pages's •
WJEC•A2 Unit 3 - Poetry Pre-1900 and Unseen Poetry
Selected Poems Rossetti • Christina Rossetti, C. H. Sisson• ISBN 9780140424690
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
A 12/15 answer for the 15 mark question in the Unit 3 English Literature paper. Analysis of Rossetti's 'Sweet Death' with annotated poem and feedback from my teacher. 
I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.

An exemplar for the Rossetti poem analysis 15 mark question as part of Unit 3 WJEC English Lit. I was awarded 14/15 marks and the document shows my teacher's feedback. I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.
- Book
- Essay
- • 3 pages's •
WJEC•A2 Unit 3 - Poetry Pre-1900 and Unseen Poetry
Selected Poems Rossetti • Christina Rossetti, C. H. Sisson• ISBN 9780140424690
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
An exemplar for the Rossetti poem analysis 15 mark question as part of Unit 3 WJEC English Lit. I was awarded 14/15 marks and the document shows my teacher's feedback. I went on to achieve full UMS and an A* in my English exams.

WJEC English Literature A2 - Unit 3, Section A, Part (iii). 
This practice essay was awarded 50/50 and I went on to achieve full UMS in my A2 English exams. It was used as an A* grade exemplar essay for its nuanced discussion of the named themes.
- Book
- Essay
- • 6 pages's •
WJEC•A2 Unit 3 - Poetry Pre-1900 and Unseen Poetry
Selected Poems Rossetti • Christina Rossetti, C. H. Sisson• ISBN 9780140424690
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
WJEC English Literature A2 - Unit 3, Section A, Part (iii). 
This practice essay was awarded 50/50 and I went on to achieve full UMS in my A2 English exams. It was used as an A* grade exemplar essay for its nuanced discussion of the named themes.

An in-depth summary of AO3 (context) and AO5 (critics) for Geoffrey Chaucer's 'The Merchant's Tale'. Catered towards A-Level students studying WJEC Eduqas English Literature (pre-1900s poetry). Divided by topic with highlighted bullet points. Includes information on: 
Authorial context: Chaucer's personal life 
Social context: Medieval estates, the Black Death, the Peasant's Revolt, the Rota Fortunae, astrology, English vernacular 
Literary context: 'Metamorphoses' ...
- Book
- Summary
- • 13 pages's •
WJEC•A2 Unit 3 - Poetry Pre-1900 and Unseen Poetry
The Merchant\'s Tale • Geoffrey Chaucer• ISBN 9781843911999
Preview 3 out of 13 pages
An in-depth summary of AO3 (context) and AO5 (critics) for Geoffrey Chaucer's 'The Merchant's Tale'. Catered towards A-Level students studying WJEC Eduqas English Literature (pre-1900s poetry). Divided by topic with highlighted bullet points. Includes information on: 
Authorial context: Chaucer's personal life 
Social context: Medieval estates, the Black Death, the Peasant's Revolt, the Rota Fortunae, astrology, English vernacular 
Literary context: 'Metamorphoses' ...

A level English Literature - Milton Paradise Lost Book 9 motif tracker - eduquas - includes themes, analysis, context, critics, quotations
- Summary
- • 6 pages's •
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A level English Literature - Milton Paradise Lost Book 9 motif tracker - eduquas - includes themes, analysis, context, critics, quotations

A level English Literature - Milton Paradise Lost Book 9 theme tracker - eduquas - includes context, critics, analysis, quote banks, summary points, on 31 THEMES - gender, power, autonomy, reason, free will, predestination, ambition, innocence, sin, evil, good, human weakness, responsibility, faith etc...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 36 pages's •
A level English Literature - Milton Paradise Lost Book 9 trackers - eduquas - includes themes, analysis, context, critics, quotations• By miaapfel
Preview 4 out of 36 pages
A level English Literature - Milton Paradise Lost Book 9 theme tracker - eduquas - includes context, critics, analysis, quote banks, summary points, on 31 THEMES - gender, power, autonomy, reason, free will, predestination, ambition, innocence, sin, evil, good, human weakness, responsibility, faith etc...