CIS 552 WEEK 8

Alabama A&M University

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CIS 552 WEEK 8 Ransomeware and Virus Protection, Assignment 3
  • CIS 552 WEEK 8 Ransomeware and Virus Protection, Assignment 3

  • Examen • 11 pages • 2021
  • Name CIS 552 Assignment 3 Ransomeware and Virus Protection Identify the common targets of ransomware. Explain why these targets are so attractive to hackers. Ransomware is a form of malicious software or malware that has taken over your computer, threatens you with harm, and denies you access to your data. The attacker then demands a ran- som from the victim to hopefully restore access to the data upon payment. Ransomeware can be disbursed through many outlets. ...
  • $10.55
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