nur 325
Northeast Alabama Community College
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NUR 325 - Complex / Doris Turner Med Math. Questions and Answers. A Graded.
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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NUR 325 - Complex / Doris Turner Med Math. Questions and Answers. A Graded. 
Complex / Doris Turner Med Math 
1. Problem type: IV infusion rate + infusion 
pump Medication: azithromycin 
Suppose Mrs. Turner’s orders call for 500 mg of azithromycin to be administered 
intravenously for communityacquired pneumonia. The solution has been diluted to a 
concentration of 2 mg/mL and needs to be administered over 1 hour. 
At what rate should the infusion pump be set? 
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