Northwest Arkansas Community College
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Nieuwste samenvattingen Northwest Arkansas Community College
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders 
In-Class Questions 
1.	In your own words, what does it mean to have psychosis? 
A mental disorder in which a person’s thoughts are not normal and the person has lost touch with reality. 
2.	Does everyone who exhibits symptoms of psychosis have a psychotic disorder? Why/Why not? 
No not necessarily, a person with an infection such as a UTI can experience psychosis due to the infection and not actually have psychosis. 
3.	What is the differ...
TB-Chapter 28 The Child with a Gastrointestinal C, Questions and answers 2020/2021
Pharm_Scenario_07_JermaineJones_DA - Pharmacology
Chapter 1- Perspectives on Maternal, Newborn, and Women’s Health Care 
1.	The United States ranks 50th in the world for maternal mortality and 41st among industrialized nations for infant mortality rate. When developing programs to assist in decreasing these rates, which factor would most likely need to be addressed as having the greatest impact? 
A)	Resolving all language and cultural differences 
B)	Assuring early and adequate prenatal care 
C)	Providing more extensive women’s shelters 
Documentation Assignments 
1.	Document findings associated with your screening of Mr. Carter using the AIMS scale. 
•	The patient had no abnormal facial expression 
•	No smacking, puckering, or pouting of the lips and perioral area 
•	No jaw biting or clenching 
•	No abnormal tongue movements 
•	No tremors or abnormal extremity movements 
•	No abnormal neck, hip, or shoulder movements 
2.	Document Mr. Carter’s performance of activities of daily living and his intake and output ...
Borderline Case Study UNFOLDING clinical reasoning case study
VSIM Li Na Chen / Mental Health Case: Li Na Chen, Part 2 - Document findings related to the screening of Mrs. Chen with the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. (All Answered) - Mrs. Chen spontaneously reports feelings of depressed mood, sadness, hoplessness, or worthlessness. She experiences feelings of self-reproach and feels that she has let people down. She feels that life is not worth living. Mrs. Chen complains of occasional difficulty falling asleep and complains of being restless. While...
Exam (elaborations) NURSING 9222 Mental Health Case: Sandra Littlefield 
 skills that you obtained in Sandra Littlefield’s case 
to an actual patient care situation
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders 
In-Class Questions 
1.	In your own words, what does it mean to have psychosis? 
A mental disorder in which a person’s thoughts are not normal and the person has lost touch with reality. 
2.	Does everyone who exhibits symptoms of psychosis have a psychotic disorder? Why/Why not? 
No not necessarily, a person with an infection such as a UTI can experience psychosis due to the infection and not actually have psychosis. 
3.	What is the difference betw...
Mental Health Case: Sandra Littlefield 
Documentation Assignments 
1.	Document your findings related to the focused assessment of Ms. Littlefield’s coping strategies. Include her responses to your assessment. 
Ms. Littlefield does not cope well with her situation. She is angry and accusatory and is feeling very lonely. She appears to be projecting her own issues onto the staff as a defense mechanism. Further, she is convinced that medication is the only solution to her pain and is not dismissi...