MATH FDMAT108 Math For the Real World
Brigham Young University
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FDMAT 108 (Mathematical Tools for the Real World)Unit III Exam 2021
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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Explain whether this makes sense or not and why: “Because there is life on Mars or there is not, the probability of life on Mars is 0.5.”Explain whether this makes sense or not and why: “Based on data showing that we’ve had snow on Christmas in 27 of the past 100 years, the probability of snow this year is 0.27.”Explain whether this makes sense or not and why: The probability of getting heads and tails when you toss a coin is 0, but the probability of getting heads or tails is 1.Explai...

FDMAT 108 (Mathematical Tools for the Real World)Unit III Exam 2021
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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Explain whether this makes sense or not and why: “Because there is life on Mars or there is not, the probability of life on Mars is 0.5.”Explain whether this makes sense or not and why: “Based on data showing that we’ve had snow on Christmas in 27 of the past 100 years, the probability of snow this year is 0.27.”Explain whether this makes sense or not and why: The probability of getting heads and tails when you toss a coin is 0, but the probability of getting heads or tails is 1.Explai...

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