Medsurg Exam 2 Study Guide FILL IN THE BLANK (Medsurg Exam 2 Study Guide FILL IN THE BLANK)
Chamberlain College Nursing
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Medsurg Exam 2 Study Guide 2021 GRADED A
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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1.	Fractures of the first three ribs are rare but can result in a high mortality rate because they are associated with 		of the subclavian artery or vein 
2.	The main symptom of pulmonary hypertension is _	, which occurs at first with exertion and eventually at rest. 
3.	Nursing measures to prevent atelectasis include frequent turning, early mobilization, and strategies to _ 	the lungs and to manage secretions. 
4.	Influenza and _ _ are the most common causes of death from infectious diseases in...
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