NRNP 6540
Chamberlain College Nursing
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NRNP 6540 Week 1 UPTO 10 Case Assignment 2022/2023 Chamberlain university
- Package deal • 8 items • 2022
- $25.99
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NRNP 6540 Week 1 UPTO 10 Case Assignment 2022/2023 Chamberlain university
NRNP 6540 Week 5 Knowledge Check 2022/2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $10.99
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NRNP 6540 Week 5 Knowledge 
Check 2022/2023 
1. When performing an assessment on patients over 65 years of age, what are at least three (3) 
key symptoms that may indicate cardiovascular disease? 
When assessing a patient over 65 years old, the key symptoms that may indicate cardiovascular disease include 
dizziness, syncope, orthopnea, angina, edema, and claudication. Syncope can occur due to asystole or an intermittent 
symptom may be due to an underlying arrhythmia. Orthopnea may indicate a p...
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