NSG 6005 Final Exam 2 (NSG 6005 Final Exam 2 Pharmacology_Final)
Chamberlain College Nursing
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NSG 6005 Final Exam 2 Pharmacology_Final with Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2021
- $20.49
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An ACE inhibitor and what other class of drug may reduce proteinuria in patients with diabetes better than either drug alone? 
2. Adam has type I diabetes and plays tennis for his university. He exhibits knowledge deficit about his insulin and his diagnosis. He should be taught that: 
3. Age is a factor in different responses to pain. Which of the following age-related statements about pain is not true? 
4. Alterations in drug metabolism among Asians may lead to: 
5. Amiodarone has been prescrib...
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