NUR 1231 (NUR 1231)

Chamberlain College Nursing

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U World Hematological Final. Nuclex Hematology. Comprehensive Quick-Content to Guarantee Passing the UWorld Hematological Final Exam.
  • U World Hematological Final. Nuclex Hematology. Comprehensive Quick-Content to Guarantee Passing the UWorld Hematological Final Exam.

  • Overig • 11 pagina's • 2021
  • lOMoARcPSD| U World Hematological final nuclex hematology Cisplatin an antineoplastic medication that can cause renal toxicity. Warfarin (Coumadin) Anticoagulant given to clients with a mechanical valve replacement Radiation therapy to the head and neck can decrease a client's oral intake due to the development of mucositis (ie, inflammation of the mouth, esophagus, and oropharynx) and xerostomia (ie, dry mouth). The nurse teaches the client to: • Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) A potential compli...
  • ProfMiaKennedy
  • $10.49
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