NURS 2207B

Chamberlain College Nursing

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Basics of Nursing Practice (NCLEX-PN Remediation)
  • Basics of Nursing Practice (NCLEX-PN Remediation)

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 57 pagina's • 2022
  • Basics of Nursing Practice  A nurse discusses the philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) with the client who has a history of alcoholism. What need must self-help groups such as AA meet to be successful? o Belonging Rationale Self-help groups are successful because they support a basic human need for acceptance. A feeling of comfort and safety and a sense of belonging may be achieved in a nonjudgmental, supportive, sharing experience with others. AA meets dependency needs rather tha...
  • Havilah
  • $12.49
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