PSY 255 QUIZ Quiz 1 Chapters 1 6 complete questions and answers 2020 2021 doc (PSY255)
Chamberlain College Nursing
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PSY 255 QUIZ 1 Chapters 1-6 complete questions and answers 2020-2021
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $6.49
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1.	Which statement would be endorsed by a person who studies personality? 
a.	The way we behave is determined entirely by what is going on around us. 
b.	Most of the time we are actually not in control of our own actions. 
c.	Behaviors originate within a person but can be influenced by outside factors. 
d.	We are at the whim of our genetics, and must act as our inheritance determines. 
2.	Which of the following is correct about the relation between personality and culture? 
a.	Because person...
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