Review Test Maternity HESI WITH ANSWERS UPTO 400 QUESTIONS 2021/2022
Chamberlain College Nursing
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Review Test-Maternity HESI WITH ANSWERS UPTO 400 QUESTIONS 2021/2022
- Other • 20 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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The nurse assesses a client admitted to the labor and delivery unit and obtains the following data: dark red vaginal bleeding, uterus slightly tense between contractions, BP 110/68, FHR 110 beats/minute, cervix 1 cm dilated and uneffaced. Based on these assessment findings, what intervention should the nurse implement? 
The nurse observes a new mother avoiding eye contact with her newborn. Which action should the nurse take? 
A client who is in the second trimester of pregnancy tells the nurse...

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