Susan Huffington, RN

Chamberlain College Nursing

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Strategic Plan for a program for pediatric oncology services_ Susan Huffington, RN, nurse manager for the Quality Care Home Health Agency, noticed that the office had been receiving several calls per week for skilled nursing care for pediatric oncology pa
  • Strategic Plan for a program for pediatric oncology services_ Susan Huffington, RN, nurse manager for the Quality Care Home Health Agency, noticed that the office had been receiving several calls per week for skilled nursing care for pediatric oncology pa

  • Overig • 7 pagina's • 2021
  • Susan Huffington, RN, nurse manager for the Quality Care Home Health Agency, noticed that the office had been receiving several calls per week for skilled nursing care for pediatric oncology patients. The agency did not provide services for pediatric patients. Susan reported the situation to the administrator. Susan soon was involved in gathering information about the number of home health agencies that offered pediatric oncology care, the standards of nursing care recommended for pediatric onco...
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