Fortis College
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- NRSG 101 1
- NUR 100 NUR100 6
- NUR 101 NUR 101 1
- NUR 104 2
- NUR 201 Foundations Exam 3 Study Guide NUR 201 2
- NUR 201 med surge 1
- NUR 202 1
- NUR 206 NUR 206 (NUR206) 2
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- NUR 206 Community HESI July 2020- 2 Versions NUR 206 3
- NUR 208 NUR208 1
- NUR 209 5
- NUR210 NUR 210 1
- NURSING RN 100 2
- NURSING Transition NURSING 3
Latest notes & summaries Fortis College
The ______ is involved in the synthesis and packaging of certain molecules produced for secretion by a cell. - Answer Golgi Apparatus 
The Chloroplast is the site of ______. - Answer Photosynthesis 
The surface areas of a cell is important because... - Answer The surface area limits the amount of molecular exchange that can take place between the cell and its surroundings. 
A Nucleus is found in ______ cells. - Answer Eukaryotic 
Diffusion of materials from outside to the mid...
What type of tissue is blood? - Answer connective tissue 
What are the formed elements of blood? - Answer red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets 
What is in plasma? - Answer water, electrolytes, dissolved gasses, protein, wastes, vitamins, and hormones 
Do red blood cells have a nucleus - Answer no 
What is the hormone that stimulates bone marrow production for red blood cell production - Answer Erythropoetin 
Term for too many red blood cells - Answer Polycyth...
What are organisms? - Answer All living things 
When and how did it become possible for organisms to live on land? - Answer By about 500 million years ago, the ozone layer was sufficiently dense and absorbed enough of the sun's UV radiation to make it possible for organisms to leave the protection of the water and live on land. 
How are eukaryotic cells different from prokaryotic cells? Which came first? - Answer The eukaryotic cell is distinct from the cells of prokaryotes, whic...
The Scientific method is used to - Answer Answer specific questions about the natural world 
A scientific hypothesis has which of the following features? - Answer It is falsifiable 
Why is the random assignment of individuals to experimental and control groups important for an experiment? - Answer It ensures that each group will better represent the population as a whole 
Bias in an experiment can occur when - Answer A technician knows which samples are from the control group 
Biology - Answer Study of living organisms and their environments 
Cell - Answer The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism 
Atom - Answer The smallest unit of an element; made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons; still retains chemical and physical properties of an element 
Molecule - Answer 2 or more atoms bonded together (O2) 
Tissue - Answer A group of similar cells that perform a particular function 
Organ - Answer Made up of several tissues, t...
ATP - Answer (adenosine triphosphate) main energy source that cells use for most of their work. 1 nucleotide + 3 phosphate group makes it unstable. If loses phosphate group becomes ADP 
ATP is composed of - Answer ribose (a sugar), adenine (a nitrogenous base), and three phosphate groups 
Coupled reactions - Answer Energy releasing action usually in the form of ATP breakdown 
Release of ATP+P causes myosin to change shape and cause muscle movement 
What do plants and other living ...
In a water molecule, which atom is negatively charged? - Answer oxygen 
What part of a cell makes proteins? - Answer ribosomes 
What are the 4 most common things found in living things? - Answer carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen 
Name the monosaccharides. - Answer galactose, glucose, fructose, ribose, deoxyribose 
In a water molecule, which atom is positively charged? - Answer hydrogen 
Name the disaccharides. - Answer maltose, lactose, sucrose 
An example of a pol...
Levels of Biological Organization (largest to smallest) - Answer 1. Biosphere 
2. Ecosystems 
3. Communities 
4. Populations 
5. Organisms 
6. Organs and Organ Systems 
7. Tissues 
8. Cells 
9. Organelles 
10. Molecules 
Organization of Taxonomy - Answer Domain 
Dumb Kids Playing Carelessly On Freeway Get Smashed 
Homeostasis - Answer process by which organisms maintain a relatively stable internal environment 
Adaptation - An...
NUR 204/ NUR204 Exam 1 | Latest Update | Questions and Verified Answers | Leadership and Management | 100% Correct | GRADED A 
In an effort to promote health, the home health nurse opens the clients bedroom windows to let in fresh air and sunlight, washes her hands often, and teaches the patient and family about the importance of hygiene and cleanliness. This most closely illustrates the ideas of which of the following people? 
1) Jean Watson 
2) Jurgen Moltmann 
3) Florence Nightin...
PHARM 201 PHARM HESI (Pharmacology / GI) Drugs review packets attempt 1 2025 Fortis College