DNP 801 (DNP 801)
Grand Canyon University
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DNP 801 Topic 2 DQ 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2022
- $3.99
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DNP 801 Topic 2 DQ 1 
You will submit your written assignments to Turnitin in your courses as you complete the program. The purpose is to help you determine how effectively you are integrating other sources into your own writing. Turnitin reports assist you in determining if you are integrating other's writing into your own correctly and in accord with acceptable practices for scholarly writing. Review the Turnitin report provided. Indicate paragraphs that you believe need review and prov...

DNP 801 Topic 1 DQ 2
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2022
- $3.99
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DNP 801 Topic 1 DQ 2 
The DNP PI Workspace is a critical resource for DNP students. It contains essential resources for this course and valuable guidance tools for successfully completing your DPI projects. Navigate the DNP PI Workspace, Student Success Center, and the Guidelines for Graduate Field Experiences. After reviewing the above resources, answer the following: 
1.	What information within the Guidelines for Graduate Field Experiences, DNP PI Workspace, and Student Success Center is t...

DNP 801 Topic 1 DQ 2
- Case • 2 pages • 2022
- $11.49
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The DNP PI Workspace is a critical resource for DNP students. It 
contains essential resources for this course and valuable guidance 
tools for successfully completing your DPI projects. Navigate the 
DNP PI Workspace, Student Success Center, and the Guidelines for 
Graduate Field Experiences. After reviewing the above resources, 
answer the following: 
1. What information within the Guidelines for Graduate Field 
Experiences, DNP PI Workspace, and Student Success Center is 
the most helpful for...

DNP 801 Topic 2 DQ 1
- Case • 2 pages • 2022
- $11.49
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You will submit your written assignments to Turnitin in your courses 
as you complete the program. The purpose is to help you determine 
how effectively you are integrating other sources into your own 
writing. Turnitin reports assist you in determining if you are 
integrating other's writing into your own correctly and in accord 
with acceptable practices for scholarly writing. Review the Turnitin 
report provided. Indicate paragraphs that you believe need review 
and provide rationale. Also, ...

DNP 801 Topic 2 DQ 2
- Case • 2 pages • 2022
- $11.49
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Using the PICOT format, formulate one evidence-based practice 
(EBP) question in correct format. Follow the selection guidelines in 
order to choose an appropriate topic idea that can be supported 
with empirical research. 
In 150-200 words, justify why this topic fits the PICOT guidelines 
and is worthy of additional investigation. 
Submit your PICOT question and supporting articles to the 
discussion forum for feedback. 
PICOT Question 
In radiology patients having a biopsy, what is the effect...

DNP 801 Topic 3 DQ 1
- Case • 2 pages • 2022
- $11.49
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After reviewing the "DNP Direct Practice Improvement Project 
Recommendations" PowerPoint, in addition to using the information 
you provided in your application to the GCU doctoral program, 
briefly describe a potential topic of interest for your DPI Project. 
How do you believe this project will contribute to the body of 
knowledge in your field? 
Since applying to GCU’s DNP program I have shifted gears completely from 
my initial topic of interest. Instead of improving stroke times, I hav...

DNP 801 Topic 5 DQ 1
- Case • 1 pages • 2022
- $11.49
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Why is it important to develop the skill of questioning? How does 
developing this skill apply to your reading of empirical articles, 
research conclusions, and your own DPI Project? 
Critical questioning is essential for all students. In particular, critical 
questioning is important for DNP students to be able to successfully 
construct knowledge (Mayweg-Paus, Thiebach, & Jucks, 2016). Additionally, 
critical questioning promotes “collaborative argumentation on sciencerelated issues” (Mayw...

DNP 801 Topic 6 DQ2
- Case • 1 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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What are misrepresentations that can occur while reading 
other’s work and using its data? How can do you determine 
when data is a useful source of evidence for a project? Is it 
possible to misrepresent data and conclusions using statistics? 
Why or why not? How? 
Researchers may leave out data that are not in support of their 
research hypothesis. Data can be concocted if the data was lost 
or process of data collection was interrupted. If this occurs, the 
conclusion from the research coul...

DNP 801 Topic 7 DQ 1
- Case • 1 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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Briefly describe what you have learned from feedback given by your 
instructor regarding your PICOT question. How will you frame your 
PICOT differently moving forward? Be specific about what 
components, if any, that you will change. 
PICOT: In radiology patients having a biopsy, what is the effect of nurse 
driven scheduling for pathology attendance on decreased sedation times 
compared with organizational driven scheduling of pathology attendance 
within 4 weeks? 
Based on feedback from Dr. H...

DNP 801 Topic 7 DQ 2
- Case • 1 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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Describe how your personal philosophy affects your worldview and 
how that impacts decision making and your approach to research. 
What does assessing your own worldview in this way teach you 
about yourself? 
My personal philosophy, my most basic beliefs and attitudes consist mostly 
of Christian views and believing there is good in all people; that most of the 
time people mean well. Additionally, my personal philosophy carries some 
residual, juvenile, jaded biased views that lend me to think...

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