HLT 317V (HLT 317V)
Grand Canyon University
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HLT 317V Week 1 Assignment 2, What Is Your Role in Communicating Research Information?
- Case • 3 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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What Is Your Role in Communicating Research Information? 
Grand Canyon University: HLT 317V 
What Is Your Role in Communicating Research Information? 
	During my experience, I felt a little overwhelmed at first during the questionnaire. However, it really made me stop and think about how my communication skills can be improved. My score was a 64 which is considered fair, “Missing a significant amount of satisfaction which could be experienced through better communication”....
HLT 317V Week 1 Assignment 1, Identification of Research Topics
- Case • 5 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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Identification of Research Topics 
Grand Canyon University: HLT-317V 
Deanna Campbell 
				Identification of Research Topics 
 In my work field there are several topics that interest me. Childhood obesity, infant kidnapping in hospitals, and failure to label specimens. In this paper I will explain why I selected the topic, explain the articles in which I chose, and explain the significance of the topics in my health care organization. 
Childhood obesity	 
	“Childhood obesity has...
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