NUR 513 Introduction to Advanced Registered Nursing (NUR513)
Grand Canyon University
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NUR 513 Week 2 Assignments and Discussion Complete Grand Canyon Spring 2023
- Package deal • 4 items • 2023
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NUR 513 Topic 2 Assignment Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer (Extra Version)
NUR 513 Topic 2 Assignment Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer

NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 1 Certification Licensure Requirements

NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 2 Nurse Roles with Regard to Ethical Guidelines

NUR 513 Week 1 Discussion Question and Assignment Complete Grand Canyon Spring 2023
- Package deal • 3 items • 2023
- $44.99
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NUR 513 Topic 1 Assignment Navigating the Online Environment Scavenger Hunt

NUR 513 Topic 1 DQ 1 (Roles of Advanced Registered Nurse overtime) 
NUR 513 Topic 1 DQ 2 The Future of Nursing

NUR 513 Topic 8 Assignment Benchmark Future Scope, Role and Professional Obligations Paper (Grand Canyon 2023)
- Other • 7 pages • 2023
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NUR 513 Topic 8 Assignment Benchmark; Future Scope, Role and Professional Obligations Paper 
Advanced registered nursing graduates are entering the profession at dynamic time when roles and scope of practice are shifting based on developments in legislation and policy in response to the evolving needs of the health care system. Professional nursing organizations play an important role in making sure the perspectives of advanced registered nurses are heard, and in supporting nurse specialties in ...

NUR 513 Topic 8 DQ 2 Research health care Legislation (Grand Canyon 2023)
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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Research health care legislation that is being considered in your state. What impact might this legislation have on your future practice? What impact does it have on the collective practice of nurses in your state? How do you envision yourself potentially becoming involved in political advocacy for the profession in your future practice?

NUR 513 Topic 8 DQ 1 Identify three Professional Nursing Organizations (Grand Canyon 2023)
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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Identify three professional nursing organizations that interest you. Provide a brief summary of their purpose, requirements, and any differences in focus, population, scope, or intent. How do these organizations align to your goals and worldview?

NUR 513 Topic 7 DQ 2 (What are some of the Major Ethical issues ) (Grand Canyon 2023)
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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What are some of the major ethical issues in conducting research that impacts the advanced registered nurse? Discuss therole of the advanced registered nurse in advocating for patient safety and rights in conducting research.

NUR 513 Topic 7 DQ 1 (Steps of the Evidence-Based Research ) (Grand Canyon 2023)
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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Describe the steps of the evidence-based research process and the importance of using them. In the initial stages of an EBP project, where do nurses in your specialty go to locate sources of information that help them to determine whether or not a practice problem is appropriate for an evidence-based practice change proposal. Include two specific sources on information in your discussion.

NUR 513 Topic 6 Quiz APA, GCU Library Resources, and Scholarly Research (Summer) (Grand Canyon 2023)
- Other • 5 pages • 2023
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1.	Question:If you have two articles written by Jeff Smith in 2004 cited in your paper and on your reference list: 
2.	Question:Caldwell and Hayes published an excellent paper in the 2007 issue of the Journal of Management Development and you would like to summarize a claim from this resource. Which of the following represents the correct APA in-text citation format? 
3.	Question: Access ProQuest Health and Medical Complete and search for the 2014 article "Core Communication Competencies in Pati...

NUR 513 Topic 6 Quiz APA, GCU Library Resources, and Scholarly Research (Spring) (Grand Canyon 2023)
- Other • 9 pages • 2023
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- $19.99
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1.	ThecorrectwaytopresenttheinformationforabooktitleinanAPAreferencepageis: 
2. WherecanyoufindAPAresourcesintheGCULibrary’sNursing&HealthSciencesLibrary Guide? 
3. Usethe“FindJournalsbyTitle”functiontofind the2014NurseLeaderarticle“UsingEvidence-BasedAdvocacytoImprovetheNation’sHealth.”Accordingtothearticleabstract,which organizationusesevidence-basedadvocacyto“positivelyimpactthenation’shealthandadvancethenursingprofession”? 
4. CaldwellandHayespublishedanexcellentpaperinthe2...

NUR 513 Topic 6 Quiz APA, GCU Library Resources, and Scholarly Research (Recent) (Grand Canyon 2023)
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $19.99
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1.	Question:IfyouhavetwoarticleswrittenbyJeffSmithin2004citedinyourpaperandonyourreferencelist: 
2.	Question:Caldwell and Hayes published an excellent paper in the 2007 issue of the Journal of Management Development and you would like to summarize a claim from this resource. Which of the following represents the correct APA in-text citation format? 
3.	Question:Access ProQuest Health and Medical Complete and search for the 2014 article "Core Communication Competencies in Patient-Centered Care." ...

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