University Of Arizona College Of Nursing
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Latest notes & summaries University Of Arizona College Of Nursing
18 Managing Anxiety
17 Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer-s Disease, and Dementia
4 Sociocultural Issues
7 Psychotherapeutic Drug Therapy
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Assessment 
Abdominal, Musculoskeletal, and Neurological Assessment 
Pediatric and Geriatric Assessments 
Use of Diagnostic Tools (e.g., stethoscopes, otoscopes) 
Understanding Abnormal Findings and Next Steps
explore the pathophysiology of common and complex diseases affecting different systems in the body, including cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and neurological systems.
What is Health Assessment? - ANS Requires the use of: hearing,seeing,smelling,and touching 
Nursing is a practice profession 
Health assessment is an essential skill to nursing practice 
A key goal of health assessment is to identify patient cure for normal and abnormal findings 
Person-centered care is the ultimate goal of health assessment 
What is the definition of Health? - ANS Health has different meaning for each individual, family, community, and population 
Nurse s...
OLDCARTS - ANS For pain assessment 
O: Onset 
L: Location 
D: Duration 
C: Character 
A: aggravating/relieving 
R: radiation 
T: timing 
S: severity 
ADPIE - ANS for Critical Thinking + Clinical Judgement 
Assess: 1st step, subjective and objective data 
Diagnosis: analysis, formulation of nursing diagnosis 
Planning: prioritize problems, determine goals, plan of care 
Intervention: nursing action (rather than medical action) 
Evaluate: compare outcomes, communic...
What are the two types of interviewing techniques? - ANS 1) standardized formats- framework of gathering info about patient 
2) therapeutic techniques- create an environment where patient can open up 
What should you include in therapeutic communication? - ANS 1) introduce yourself and the parts of the assessment 
2) determine what the client wants to be called 
3) allow more time for reponses for older adults 
4) make sure client is comfortable (room temp, chair) 
5) ...
Knowledge check for module 6