NURS 6521/NURS 6521
Walden University
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NURS 6521/NURS 6521 Week 1 Quiz Acing Guide
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
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NURS 6521/NURS 6521 Week 1 Quiz 
NURS 6521/NURS 6521 Week 1 Quiz 
A 75-year-old woman is prescribed magnesium hydroxide for constipation. The nurse's assessment reveals that the patient is being treated for rheumatoid arthritis and hypertension. The patient lives in assisted living and is on a low-sodium diet.	 
A 72-year-old man with pain issues is being given a drug by the intramuscular route. His serum blood level concentrations have been erratic. The nurse suspe...
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