NURS 6560 Final Exam Study Guide (NURS 6560)
Walden University
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NURS 6560 Final Exam Study Guide(GRADE A)
- Other • 65 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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NURS 6560 Final Exam Study Guide(GRADE A)
- Case • 53 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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NURS 6560 Final Exam Study Guide 
Liver Biliary Tract, Pancreas, Spleen 
Resection of the liver and regeneration and follow up labs pp 546-548 
Types of Hepatic Resections: anatomical (based on segmental liver anatomy) and 
Follow Up Labs after Resection: 
Complications post op resection: include perihepatic fluid collectiaons which may require drainage, hepatic insufficiency (hyperbilirubinemia, ascites, coagulopathy) common but resolves, pleural effusions, atelectasis, and pneumonia (t...
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