vSIM (NURS220)

California State University - Bakersfield

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NURS 220_VSIM_3 - California State University | vSim CLINICAL REPLACEMENT PACKET for STUDENTS
  • NURS 220_VSIM_3 - California State University | vSim CLINICAL REPLACEMENT PACKET for STUDENTS

  • Presentation • 25 pages • 2021
  • Student Resources vSim CLINICAL REPLACEMENT PACKET for STUDENTS EST. TIME: 4 - 6 HOURS STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIRTUAL CLINICAL REPLACEMENT This activity packet is intended to be used with your assigned virtual patient found in vSim. The Six Step learn flow in vSim is to be followed as instructed below. Once you have completed the Six Steps, in addition to this Clinical Replacement Activity Packet, submit for grading as instructed in your syllabus. LEARN FLOW - STEP ONE ...
  • Academiks
  • $13.99
  • + en savoir plus