California State University - Fullerton

Here are the best resources to pass THEATER 200 (THEATER 200). Find THEATER 200 (THEATER 200) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.

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A Streetcar Named Desire
  • A Streetcar Named Desire

  • Case • 22 pages • 2021
  • Script Analysis Worksheet A. Protagonist  Blanche DuBois is the protagonist of the story. Tennessee Williams describes Blanche as a school teacher from Laurel, Mississippi, that came to stay with her sister, Stella. She is quite seductive and lustful and attracts men of all calibers to her following her husband Allen’s death. In Scene 1, Act 1, we see her in a tailspin. Blanche arrives in an area she doesn’t know and is living in a false reality, after losing her “Belle Reve” pr...
  • Kingamor
  • $7.49
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