History (HIST108)
California State University - San Jose State University
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Diversification strategy in the Apollo Hospitals
- Essay • 1 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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Hospital chains like Apollo Hospitals have diversified into making healthcare products that patients require. The Apollo Hospitals frequently used diversification strategy in related business, which is also followed to increase its reach and improve the processes. This has worked as backward integration for the company and helped to improve its processes and results (Christensen, & Raynor, 2013). This strategy was successful as it has strengthened the basics of the company and increased its sale...

Document analysis question
- Exam (elaborations) • 1 pages • 2021
- $3.09
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For the Informative Researched Essay, you will be making an argument about what the central point of disagreement is between the parties or representatives of different “sides” in a debate. You will do research over one of the 14 topics listed below. These topics match the content covered in the documentaries that you analyzed for the Documentary Analysis Essay.

Request for Quotation (RFQ)
- Essay • 10 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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In the absence of any business requirement for buying or maintaining this internet infrastructure, IaaS provides business access to important network architecture such as computing space, servers and connections. Owing to the economies of size and specialization involved, both the infrastructure provider and the organization using it will benefit. IaaS helps an internet company to expand and evolve on-demand

Reaction to Response to Intervention
- Essay • 2 pages • 2021
- $11.79
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Today, there are several challenges affecting educators that concern today's students' learning lives. The coordination and execution of a Solution to Intervention model inside school districts throughout the state is one challenge at the forefront. The Answer to Interference (RTI) model encourages all school employees to coordinate further the programs provided inside districts or facilities, thereby maximizing the delivery of all services available.

Reaction to Hills Like White Elephants
- Essay • 2 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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The passage describes a man and a woman consuming beer and anise liqueur while waiting at a Spain train station. The guy attempts to lure the woman into having an abortion, but the woman is ambivalent. The suspense of the plot emerges out of their terse, barbed conversation. The passage of is a rich tale that it provides further every time you read. Seeing the difference between the dusty, dry side of the valley and the greener "grain fields." You might mirror the symbolism of the train tracks...

Reaction to Hills Like White Elephants
- Essay • 4 pages • 2021
- $12.59
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The passage describes a man and a woman consuming beer and anise liqueur while waiting at a Spain train station. The guy attempts to lure the woman into having an abortion, but the woman is ambivalent. The suspense of the plot emerges out of their terse, barbed conversation. The passage of is a rich tale that it provides further every time you read. Seeing the difference between the dusty, dry side of the valley and the greener "grain fields." You might mirror the symbolism of the train tracks...
In Each Of The Following, A Greedy Algorithm Is Proposed For The Given Problem. Give A Simple Counterexample

- Thesis • 1 pages • 2021
- $2.99
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This is a qualitative study which explores themes in a present day adolescent same-sex friendship. The study elicits data from video of a 15-minute interview. The interview was semi-structured and on the subject of ‘friendship’

- Thesis • 14 pages • 2021
- $9.99
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I considered it pretty challenging to code. I think it may be that I didn't find this an important subject at the outset. My professor told me I switched from coding to themes and was a little lost. I couldn't understand how themes defined by a semi-structured interview might carry a friendship analysis some weight. A semi-structured interview is contradictory to what we were trained in qualitative studies. How do they convince us that at least six interviews are recommended by ut...

- Essay • 11 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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This qualitative analysis explores trends in today's undergraduate students' relationships at Liverpool John Moores University. The interviewees included five of them, two males and three females, including one identified as Shazia. The analysis extracts video interview data. The questions encouraged the interviewee to speak at length about the subject. The research consisted of initial coding and a methodology for trial and error. Four major themes have been developed: companionship, inspirat...

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