Chamberlian School of Nursing
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Exam (elaborations) Agile Exam Questions And Answers
- Examen • 15 páginas • 2021
- $15.49
- + aprende más y mejor
1- What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto? 
 Process and tools over individuals and interactions 
 Working software over comprehensive documentation 
 Responding to change over following a plan 
 Contract negotiation over customer collaboration 
2- Which of the following statements about changing requirements in software 
development, are correct? 
 In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined, 
further changes should undergo heavy change cont...

Exam (elaborations) Agile Exam Questions And Answers
- Examen • 15 páginas • 2021
- $15.49
- + aprende más y mejor
1- What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto? 
 Process and tools over individuals and interactions 
 Working software over comprehensive documentation 
 Responding to change over following a plan 
 Contract negotiation over customer collaboration 
2- Which of the following statements about changing requirements in software 
development, are correct? 
 In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined, 
further changes should undergo heavy change cont...

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