ATI Comprehensive Predicter STUDY THIS ONE quizlet.
Chamberlian School of Nursing
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Exam (elaborations) ATI Comprehensive Predicter STUDY THIS ONE quizlet.
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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1. A patient informs the nurse that they are taking an OTC garlic supplement. What possible effect does garlic have 
on the body? 
Answer: Effects blood clotting increases risk of bleeding 
2. A patient has a complete spinal cord injury at the third cervical vertebra. At what level would you expect the 
patient to respond to light sensation? 
Answer: DIAGRAM OF BODY with boxes that you must select to indicate the level. Top box only. FACE 
3. After placement of a permanent pacemaker what which w...
Exam (elaborations) ATI Comprehensive Predicter STUDY THIS ONE quizlet.
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $15.49
- + learn more
1. A patient informs the nurse that they are taking an OTC garlic supplement. What possible effect does garlic have 
on the body? 
Answer: Effects blood clotting increases risk of bleeding 
2. A patient has a complete spinal cord injury at the third cervical vertebra. At what level would you expect the 
patient to respond to light sensation? 
Answer: DIAGRAM OF BODY with boxes that you must select to indicate the level. Top box only. FACE 
3. After placement of a permanent pacemaker what which w...
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