Chamberlian School of Nursing
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Exam (elaborations) HESI CHEMISTRY V1 V2
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
- $15.49
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1. If a Hydrogen is in a compound, what would its oxidation number be? 
2. What is the oxidation number of any simple ion? 
+1 or -1 depending on the charge of the ion 
3. How many kilograms are in a pound? 
0. kg 
4. What is the temperature for freezing point of water in Celsius? 
0 degrees Celsius (32°F for Fahrenheit) 
5. What is the conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit? 
0°C = 32°F 
6. What is the oxidation number of an element atom? 
7. What is the freezing point of sea water in Fa...

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