NUR 305L Shadow Health Danny Rivera Objective Focused Exam Cough Results Completed
Chamberlian School of Nursing
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Exam (elaborations) NUR 305L Shadow Health Danny Rivera Objective Focused Exam Cough Results Completed
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Shadow Health will be performing planned maintenance Monday November 11th, from 11:00am until 12 noon Eastern. During tthhiiss ttiimee aassssiignnmeenntt 
aatttteempttss wiillll bee diissaablleed.. Thhaannkk yyouu fforr hheellpiinng uuss tto iimprrovvee yyouurr Shhaadow Heeaalltthh eexxpeerriieennccee!! 
Your Results Turrn IIn Reopen Lab Passss 
Partially correct 
Inspected eyes and orbital area 11 ooff 11 ppooiinntt 
Orbital Area (1/4 point) 
No visible abnormal find...
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