TEST BANK Biology 2nd edition by Brooker, Robert, Widmaier, Eric, Graham, Linda, Stiling
Chamberlian School of Nursing
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Exam (elaborations) TEST BANK Biology 2nd edition by Brooker, Robert, Widmaier, Eric, Graham, Linda, Stiling
- Exam (elaborations) • 206 pages • 2021
- $20.49
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Multiple Choice Questions 
1. The simplest structure shared among all living organisms is the 
A. gut. 
B. cell. 
C. photosynthetic chloroplast. 
D. community. 
E. nucleus. 
Bloom's Level: Remember 
Section: 1.01 
Topic: General 
2. Which of the following is likely NOT a common feature shared among all living 
A. All living organisms use energy. 
B. All living organisms maintain organization. 
C. All living organisms have evolved over the course of many generations. 
D. All living o...

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