TEST BANK FOR Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach 4th Edition By John L. Hennessy & David Patterson
Chamberlian School of Nursing
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Exam (elaborations) TEST BANK FOR Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach 4th Edition By John L. Hennessy & David Patterson (Solution manual)
- Exam (elaborations) • 66 pages • 2021
- $20.49
- + learn more
Chapter 1 Solutions 
Yield 1 0.7 × 1.99 
+ ------------------------- 
= = 0.28 
Yield 1 0.75 × 3.80 
+ ---------------------------- 
= = 0.12 
Yield 1 0.30 × 3.89 
+ --------------------------- 
= = 0.36 
Dies per wafer π × (30 ⁄ 2)2 
= ------------------------------ π × 30 
sqrt(2 × 3.89) 
– ---------------------------------- = 182 – 33.8 = 148 
Cost per die $500 
148 × 0.36 
= ----------...
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