TEST BANK FOR Understanding the Essentials of Critical Nursing Care 2nd Edition By Kathleen Perrin
Chamberlian School of Nursing
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Exam (elaborations) TEST BANK FOR Understanding the Essentials of Critical Nursing Care 2nd Edition By Kathleen Perrin
- Exam (elaborations) • 559 pages • 2021
- $20.49
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Chapter 1 What Is Critical Care? 
1) Identify who of the following patients suffers from critical illness. A patient: 
1. With chronic airflow limitation whose VS are: BP 110/72, P 110, R 16. 
2. With acute bronchospasm and whose VS are: BP 100/60, P 124, R 32. 
3. Who was involved in a motor vehicle accident whose VS are: BP 124/74, P 74, R 18. 
4. On chronic dialysis with no urine output and whose VS are: BP 98/50, P 108, R 12. 
Answer: 2 
Explanation: 1. Acute bronchospasm can present a life-...

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