PSYC 3000
Columbia College (CC )
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Exam (elaborations) psyc 3000 1-7 Midterm Test
- Exam (elaborations) • 269 pages • 2021
- $15.99
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True / False 
1. An ontogenetic explanation is one that describes the development of a structure 
or behavior. 
a. True 
b. False 
DIFFICULTY: Bloom’s: Understand 
REFERENCES: Biological Explanations of Behavior 
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: KALA.BIOP.16.INT.01.03 - Give examples of 
physiological, ontogenetic, evolutionary, and functional explanations of behavior. 
TOPICS: INT.1 Overview and Major Issues 
2. Gottfried Leibniz (1714) posed the question: “Why is there something ...
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