Golden West College
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Latest notes & summaries Golden West College
Lawrence Amsel, M.D., M.P.H. 
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians 
and Surgeons, New York, New York 
Elizabeth L. Auchincloss, M.D. 
Vice-Chair, Graduate Medical Education, Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell 
Medical College; Senior Associate Director, Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, New York, New York 
Robert J. Boland, M.D. 
Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior; Associate Director, R...
Mr. Davis is 52 years old and has recently been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease 
(ESRD) and will soon begin dialysis. He is wondering if he can obtain coverage under 
Medicare. What should you tell him?correct answersHe may sign-up for Medicare at 
any time however coverage usually begins on the fourth month after dialysis treatments 
Juan Perez, who is turning age 65 next month, intends to work for several more years at 
Smallcap, Incorporated. Smallcap has a workforce of15 emplo...
AHIP FINAL EXAM TEST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 (VERIFIED ANSWERS) Mr. Davis is 52 years old and has recently been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and will soon begin dialysis. He is wondering if he can obtain coverage under Medicare. What should you tell him? correct answers: He may sign-up for Medicare at any time however coverage usually begins on the fourth month after dialysis treatments start. Juan Perez, who is turning age 65 next month, intends to work for several more year...
AHIP Medicare Training Module 1- Questions 1.1 Mrs. Moore plans to retire when she turns 65 in a few months. She is in excellent health and will have considerable income when she retires. She is concerned that her income will make it impossilbe for her to qualify for Medicare. What could you tll her to address her concerns. A- Medicare is a program for people 65 and older and those under age 65 with certain disabilities, end stage renal disease, and Lou Gherig’s disease so she will be eligible...
AHIP Medicare Training Module 1- Questions 1.1 Mrs. Moore plans to retire when she turns 65 in a few months. She is in excellent health and will have considerable income when she retires. She is concerned that her income will make it impossilbe for her to qualify for Medicare. What could you tll her to address her concerns. A- Medicare is a program for people 65 and older and those under age 65 with certain disabilities, end stage renal disease, and Lou Gherig’s disease so she will be eligible...
AHIP Medicare Training Module 1- Questions 1.1 Mrs. Moore plans to retire when she turns 65 in a few months. She is in excellent health and will have considerable income when she retires. She is concerned that her income will make it impossilbe for her to qualify for Medicare. What could you tll her to address her concerns. A- Medicare is a program for people 65 and older and those under age 65 with certain disabilities, end stage renal disease, and Lou Gherig’s disease so she will be eligible...
EMT Final Exam Study Guide 
1. What are the respiratory rates when we should consider a BVM? How do we determine adequate 
2. Understand the etiology and audible differences with: 
a. Wheezing 
b. Ronchi 
c. Crackles (Rales) 
d. Stridor 
3. Corrective action if we no longer see visible chest rise while performing PP ventilation 
4. Oxygen flow rates for: 
a. Nasal cannula 
b. Non-rebreather mask 
c. BVM 
d. Nebulized breathing treatment 
5. Airway obstruction knowledge: 
a. Witnes...
EMT Final Exam Study Guide 
1. What are the respiratory rates when we should consider a BVM? How do we determine adequate 
2. Understand the etiology and audible differences with: 
a. Wheezing 
b. Ronchi 
c. Crackles (Rales) 
d. Stridor 
3. Corrective action if we no longer see visible chest rise while performing PP ventilation 
4. Oxygen flow rates for: 
a. Nasal cannula 
b. Non-rebreather mask 
c. BVM 
d. Nebulized breathing treatment 
5. Airway obstruction knowledge: 
a. Witnes...
AHIP Final Exam-with 100% verified solutions-2023-2024
Biology 225 Physiology notes Lecture 1 Intro to Physiology, Golden West College, Lecture notes