AQA A Level Physics Year 2 Student Book Answer
Imperial Valley College
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AQA A-Level Physics Year 2 Student Book Answers
- Other • 87 pages • 2023
- $8.49
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A1 The total lateral friction on the tyres to just avoid the car going off at a tangent is equal to the required centripetal force: 
m v 
=690´(120´103 ¸3600)2 70 
=10952=11000 N 
A2 The asymmetric curved shape and angle of a racing car aerofoil makes moving air flow faster below it than above, so the air pressure is lower below the aerofoil. This creates a downward force on the aerofoil pushing the car downwards. 
A3 At the Abbey bend, g-force = centripetal acceleration accelerat...
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