NDT A110
Orange Coast College
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EEG board Exam prep Final Study Guide (Fall 2022)
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
- $12.49
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EEG board Exam prep Study Guide (Fall 2022) 
Mu Rhythm 
-c3/c4 region 
-does not block with eye opening 
-easy to see with eyes open 
-blocks unilaterally with contralateral hand 
-asymmetrical and asynchronous 
->14 HZ 
-detected during wakefulness, enhanced during drowsiness, and decreased in deeper sleep 
-seen on barbiturates and benzodiazepines 
Lambda waves 
-NORMAL, awake 
-sharp waves occurring in occipital region (o1/o2) during wakefulness 
-visually scanning...

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