NURSING 101 (Pharmacology)
Riverside City College
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Introduction to fundamentals of Nursing Pharmacology

Peds Wong Chapter 25: The Child with Cardiovascular Dysfunction (GRADED A+) Questions and Answers | 100% GUARANTEED.
- Examen • 16 páginas • 2021
- $10.99
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Chapter 25: The Child with Cardiovascular Dysfunction 
Chapter 25: The Child with Cardiovascular Dysfunction MULTIPLE CHOICE 
1.	A chest radiograph film is ordered for a child with suspected cardiac problems. The child’s parent asks the nurse, “What will the radiograph show about the heart?” The nurse’s response should be based on knowledge that the xray film will show: 
a.	bones of chest but not the heart. 
b.	measurement of electrical potential generated from heart muscle. c. permane...

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