Santa Ana College
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- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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Abstain To voluntarily refrain from something. Constrict To draw together or become smaller. Accountable To be responsible. Contingent Dependent. Acute Sudden, intense. Contraindication A reason som ething is not advisable. Adhere To hold fast or stick together. Convulsive Having or causing shaking of the body. Adverse Undesired, possibly harmful. Cursory Quick, perfunctory, not thorough. Ambivalent Uncertain, having contradictory feelings. Defecate Expel feces. Ambulate To walk. Deficit A lack ...
Exam (elaborations)
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Abstain To voluntarily refrain from something. Constrict To draw together or become smaller. Accountable To be responsible. Contingent Dependent. Acute Sudden, intense. Contraindication A reason som ething is not advisable. Adhere To hold fast or stick together. Convulsive Having or causing shaking of the body. Adverse Undesired, possibly harmful. Cursory Quick, perfunctory, not thorough. Ambivalent Uncertain, having contradictory feelings. Defecate Expel feces. Ambulate To walk. Deficit A lack ...
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Fear of missing out? Then don’t!
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